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Danske Invest Money Market Fund G

Fondo detalūs duomenys, pelningumas, grafikas ir paskutinių ataskaitų turinys.
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Fondo detalės
PavadinimasDanske Invest Money Market Fund G
ValdytojasDanske Capital
Valstybė, ISINFinland, FI0008806237
Įkūrimo data2002-01-16
Vieneto kaina31.60368 EUR (2018-10-26)
Valdymo mokestis0,33%
Įsigijimo mokestis0%
Išpirkimo mokestis0%
Minimali investicija500 EUR
Rodikliai (%)
Laikotarpis (mėn.)36
Visas pokytis0.57
Vid. metinis pokytis0.19
Mėnesinis nuokrypis0.01
Metinis nuokrypis0.04
Tikėtina metinė grąža0 / 0
Šarpo rodiklis-115.06

Techninė analizė

Pokytis per laikotarpį(%)
3 mėn.0.07
6 mėn.0.15
2 metai0.52
3 metai0.57

Danske Invest Euro Interest is intended for institutional investors who are looking for an investment solution on the euro-zone fixed income markets that is profitable, professionally managed and well-diversified. The fund is well-suited, for both short and longer-term investment, to investors who appreciate steady returns. The fund is an excellent alternative to deposits or money market instruments, and also works well as a short-term solution if the outlook on the fixed income or equity markets is uncertain. The recommended investment horizon in the fund is more than one month.

The assets of Danske Invest Euro Interest are invested in euro-denominated money market instruments and in short-term bonds. The average remaining time to maturity of the investments is a maximum of 120 days. The credit rating of issuers must be at least Moody's rating A3 or S&P rating A-. The general performance of the euro-zone fixed income markets is reflected in the value of the fund.