Nasdaq Baltijos akcijų rinka »

Trigon Property Development

Akcijų rinkų analizė, informacija apie listinguojamas kompanijas, prekybos statistika, finansiniai rezultatai ir rodikliai.
Prekyba Rodikliai Statistika Detalės Mano akcijos

Trigon Property Development (TPD1T)[2024-11-13]   0.640 EUR   0.000 (0.00%)

Pagrindiniai rodikliai
Akcijų skaičius4 499 061
Kapitalizacija2.88 M
P4K pardavimaiN/A K
P4K pelnas-29 K
Pelno maržaN/A
Paskutinė ataskaita2018-12-31

Panašios bendrovės

AkcijaPavadinimasKainaPokytis %Mėnuo %P/EPM %Kapit. K
ARC1TArco Vara1.4000.001.4515.003.908 564
MRK1TMerko Ehitus18.8200.639.6720.205.05333 114
NCN1TNordecon International0.7150.6921.195.601.7723 148
PKG1TPro Kapital Grupp0.6902.8210.39--52.6639 115
PTR1LPanevėžio statybos trestas0.4780.420.42--2.327 815
TPD1TTrigon Property Development0.6400.004.23--2 879

Naujienų antraštės

2024-06-05 [OMX] Prolongation of term of office of the member of the management board of AS Trigon Property Development
2024-06-05 [OMX] Notice of calling the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development
2024-04-30 [OMX] Audited annual report of Trigon Property Development AS for 2023
2023-06-22 [OMX] Changes in the Supervisory Board of AS Trigon Property Development
2023-05-31 [OMX] Notice of calling the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development
2023-04-24 [OMX] Audited annual report of Trigon Property Development AS for 2022
2022-10-07 [OMX] Dividend payment ex-date of AS Trigon Property Development
2022-08-31 [OMX] Unaudited financial report for the second quarter and 6 months of 2022 and notice of calling the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development
2022-06-14 [OMX] Flushing the orderbook of Trigon Property Development shares
2022-06-10 [OMX] Dividend payment ex-date of AS Trigon Property Development

Šaltinis: Nasdaq Baltic