Pilnas forumo žinučių sąrašas.
Narys:   Laikotarpis: -

Parshiukas Prekyba JAV #697552   2021-12-17 21:28
smalsus.godzilla [2021-12-17 20:14]:
Jei ne Hitleris, Vokietija dabar būtų Lietuvos lygio.. Hitleris buvo tikrų tikriausias patriotas, iš jo reikėtų imti tik gerą pavyzdį..

Hitleris laikes principo viska savo salyje gamint ir vartot ir neprekiaut su uzsieniu. Todel galu gale prireikus zaliavu ir rinku, kai skolose jau buvo iki kaklo teko keliaut i rytus...
Parshiukas Parshiuko klejonės #697578   2021-12-18 00:20
Artiomo Zviozdino seminaras 2 dalis.

Pasiulos paklausos testas. (fake breakuotais testavimas pradinis lygio su tolimesniu jo pramusimu)

Naudoja didieji zaidejai prie svarbiu lygiu ir fletuose M5 TF iprastai. Bet ne kai rinkos balansas. Prieina kaina prie lygio ar flato vienos sieneles ir pabando pramust, bet neiseina. Islenda dideli volume x3, x4 nuo iprastu. Dar treideriai vadina sita situacija pasikrovimu ant stopu. Gerai pasimato kas perka ar parduoda, kiek limitiniu orderiu. Issiaiskina didieji kiek reikes bapkiu pramust lygi. Tada kaina atitolsta nuo lygio kad nauji zaidejai apsiprekintu ir kartu su jais (ir su stovinciuju i priesinga puse stopais) galima bus lauzt su mazesnem islaidom lygi.

Lygio ataka. ( Kuvalda arba prilipimas prie lygio su tolimesniu jo pramusimu arba pramusimas pro objoma)

Prieina kaina prie lygio ir pradeda pjaustyt su mazu volume. Bet dideliu volatilumu. Bet pries tai trendavo bull gerai su volume nemazejanciais iki cia. Kai otkatikai- mazesni volume, mazos zvakutes, reiskia kazkas laus virsun. Susiformuoja fletas be volume - sedi didysis kazkas. Ivyksta be volume kritimas didesnem zvakem - itartina. Reiskia nori pasinaudot shortinanciu stopais ir bendraminciais pirkejais. Kritimas nuo lygio turi but nedidelis, ne daugiau 5 zonos dydzio lygiu. Cia kova labai stipraus pardavejo limiciko ir pirkejo rinkos orderiais. Dar vadina treideriai tokia situacija kainos prilipimu prie lygio. Kaina didelem zvakem ir volume bando pramust lygi, gal net ne karta ir ne du. Didele tikimybe pramus ir eis toli. Bet uzeinam jei pavelavim tik ant retesto, o ne iskart pramusus lygi su visais svertais kaip parshas. Reteste krintacios zvakes su mazesniu volume, o tada zalia zvake su dideliu, cia ir uzeinam. Ziurint i rinka ir matant big picture reik pamatyt ir zaideja dideli po to. Tik tada galima prekiaut kai zaidejas daro ta pati ka ir big picture. Jei flatas ir yra volatilitym bet ner volume, ar yra volume bet ner volatility - paranoja - rinkoje sedi didelis zaidejas. Dar rinkoje liaudis avinai - jei mato kad pakrito, prisimena kad pirk pigiai parduok brangiai, ir perka. Didieji tuo naudojasi savo tikslam. Jei liaudis mato kad mesku trende atkilo - prisimena kad parduok brangiai, atpirk pigiai. Vel papuola. Didieji surenka stopus priesingai besielgianciu net ne viena karta, pirma kart ant pirmo testo breakuoto ar prilipimo, o po to ir ant fleto stopu. Ir svarbu zet ar bull trendas tesis - o tai matosi tik ant volume - ar didieji dameta malku (volume ) ant zaliu zvakiu, o ant raudonu nieko ner.

Kapituliacija atakos.

Kai didieji dametineja malku, jie jau nelabai daug pinigu imetines, jie jau senai uzejo kazkur flete toli toli. O jei kokios naujienos arteja ar kaledos noris greiciau is pozicijos issinesdint. Pagal Lanco knyga trendas apsisuka 2 budais. Arba uzgesimu, arba pagreitejimu. Kapituliacija ivyksta dazniausiai vakarejant, kai fondams px, reik eit baliavot namo ar su mergom i bara. Tada trendo gale volatili zvake su dideliu volume, cia nusimeta poza didieji. Staigus pakilimas su dideliu volume bei dideliu volatilumu. Bet pries laukiant tokios situacijos reikia isitikinti ar didelis zaidejas yra rinkoje. Ar malku daugiau dametus didenis trendukas kaskart. Po to konsolidacija ar apsisukimas. Kaina ir kainos judejimas tai reklama. Kuo geriau juda tuo didesne reklama. Visi neatsparus reklamai ir lenda i rinka galiausiai. O reklamuojamos dazniausiai prekes atitinkamos sh kokybes. Paprasciausiai didieji nori pasinaudot tavo pinigais savo problemoms isspresti.

Stabdantysis volume. (pin baras)

Mesku rinka. Kaina eina zemyn ir uztinka limitinius buy orderius. Susidaro didelis volume ir zvake su spygliais. Kuo didesnis spyglys ir volume tuo geriau. Turi but ant lygiu sita situacija, ant otkatu, flatu sienelese. Po jos bus ar fletas ar apsisukimas. Apsisukimas cia trumpalaikis bus, jei fonas nepalankus jam arba neutralus. Svarbu ziureti po jos einancias zvakes ir ivertint pastangas -rezultata ir tai bus padzkazke ar zvake buvo tikra stabdancioji. Tai bus patvirtinimas uzejimui. Bet praejus nemazam laiko tarpui. Stopas toliau nuo spyglio. Jei pin barais tiesiog lyja grafike, imi didziausius. Volume profile rodo kad didziausi limit orderiai susikaupe pin baru spygliuose.

Kulminacija atakos.

Gali vykti be stambaus zaidejo. Gali buti kad minia perpirko ar perpardave. Ant BTC geriausias pavyzdys. Kilo, greitejimas tesias, kokia naujiena ir babach dar virsun. Po to fletas arba apsisukimas kaip ir kapituliacijos atveju. Volume ant galo labai labai dideli. Didelis volatilumas, zvakes su spygliais pries judejima. Kulminacijos kryptose kasdien vyksta, nes visi naujienas ziuri. Apsisukimas ivyksta praejus tam tikram laikui. Negaudyt krentanciu peiliu, neieidinet iskart, o laukt kada malku dametines i rinka didieji. Sedet ant tvoros ir rukyt kol neateis momentas. Kulminacijos atveju skirtingai nuo kapituliacijos, trendo tesimosi sansai beveik lygus nuliui. Naudojama prekybos platforma atas. Dar svarbu pasirinkt instrumenta kur ant istorijos matosi kad veikia.
Parshiukas Filmų rekomendacijos ir aptarimas #697580   2021-12-18 01:05
Naujosios matricos turinys.

Matrix Resurrections premiered to day in Thailand 16/12/21 and I watched the first screening of it at 12:30pm, here’s what I can tell you.
Bugs, is searching for Neo for closure, Neo is just a legend for Bug’s generation and 60 years has passed Neo was last seen. In the opening scenes, Bugs and an operator can be heard ‘It looks like old Code’ they enter the matrix and find they are witnessing the opening scenes of the matrix and watch from behind cracks in the wall of the room, but Trinity is played by another Actor.
The scene starts to play out like in the original matrix, but this time Trinity is caught and beaten, Bugs realizes that something is wrong with the story and understands this is a time loop for another reality where Neo and Trinity fail. Morpheus appears as an agent and tries to apprehend Bugs and a shootout and chase begins with many other agents in pursuit, Bugs enters a key maker store in an effort to avoid capture but is grabbed by Agent Morpheus and drags Bugs into a secret room away from the other agents, and then a Mexican standoff begins as Bugs and Morpheus question each other.
The program Agent smith reveals to Bugs that he is program Morpheus, Morpheus tells the story of how he started to wake up after he started seeing matrix code in a bathroom mirror 1 day and they become friends, Bugs realizes the room they are in is Thomas Anderson’s room from the first movie before Neo was red pilled. Bugs convinces Morpheus to red pill and they make their escape from out of the Matrix.
The matrix code that Bugs discovered was written by Neo, who, at the end of Matrix Revolutions was brought back to life along with Trinity, and inserted back into life pods and projected back into the matrix to be studied by the machines and a powerful program called ‘the analyst’. Neo is living a very unhappy life inside the Matrix and is being manipulated by virtually everyone he comes in contact with who are basically programs designed to give Neo Amnesia and block his memories, They do this by letting Neo live out his life as a PC game developer who works for the giant gaming company called ‘Dues Ex Machina’ and Thomas wrote the software and developed the game ‘The Matrix’ which became a massive success, Neo is then led to believe that he had a mental breakdown, and couldn’t tell the difference his life and the game. Neo’s Boss and friend is Actually Agent Smith who is also under control of the Analyst.
Neo and Trinity live very separate lives but occasionally cross paths at a coffee shop called ‘Simulatte’ , one of Neo’s Handlers introduces them 1 day, and they start to have conversations revealing their roles in the matrix, and we discover Trinity’s name is Tiffany, married with 2 kids who work as Trinity’s handlers, during these coffee meeting they start to develop feelings for each other and remember memories they are not sure are real
Neo writes new code for the old matrix game as a node and experiment that bugs finds at the start of the movie and allows Bugs and Morpheus to find him in the simulation where they try to reason with him about his situation and try to red pill him but Neo resists and freaks out fearing he is having another mental breakdown. At this time, Neo is informed by his boss (who is also agent Smith) that the company is going to develop a new matrix game, this makes Neo very anxious about having another psychotic break and seeks reassurance from the Analyst, Morpheus appears in a bathroom at the company building where Neo is taking a break, and tries to get Neo to red pill, Morpheus is detected and agents descend to kill him, at this point, Neo’s boss becomes Agent smith and shots Neo in the head killing him. Neo is rebooted and wakes up in the Analyst’s office thinking he is completely crazy and very shaken by what he thinks has happened. The analyst assures Neo that everything is fine and offers an alternative explanation which Neo accepts and takes more blue pills to settle down.
Neo finally agrees to be red pilled after Bugs and Morpheus take him to a cinema and confront him evidence that makes him take the red pill. Agents appear and another shootout and chase follows, finally Neo is disconnected from the matrix and wakes up in his pod and is disconnected from the pod and rescued by a machine who is allied with the humans, Neo see’s trinity’s body in a pod across from him while the machine transfers him to Bug’s ship
Morpheus is able to enter the real world via new tech that allows programs to assemble magnetic metallic avatars that can function as bodies. When Neo’s body is brought onboard the ship, he rapidly starts to die, so they plug him into the construct where Morpheus challenges him in a dojo to fight for his life if he ever wants to see Trinity again and a battle insures and Neo fights to live and recovers, he is then taken to a New city like Zion, where humans and sentient machines live in harmony and General Niobe is in charge.
Niobe fires Bugs and her crew for disobeying direct orders not to find Neo, Niobe then gets reacquainted and then gives Neo a guided tour around the city while having a question and answer time and we find out the real Morpheus died decades earlier and is now sanctified. She also tells Neo that after Neo entered Machine city, war broke out between the machines and half sided with the humans. After this, Niobe has Neo arrested and imprisoned because she fears Neo will try to rescue Trinity and a new war will breakout between humans and machines ending the 60 year truce, Morpheus’s avatar appears and informs Neo that Bugs has stolen her ship back and coming to break Neo out of prison and aid Neo to rescue Trinity.
Everybody re-enters the matrix to find Trinity and Neo, Bugs and her crew are ambushed by Agent smith, who wants to kill Neo now that he has escaped the matrix and no longer under the protection of the analyst, Smith has found the Merovingian, who wants to kill Neo in revenge for ruining his perfect life in the matrix, reducing his existence to a worthless vagabond, Smith has also assembled a hit squad of the Merovingian’s former crew and a fight breaks out, Neo and Smith face off and Smith is defeated, they also find out that all their plans have been predicted by the Analyst and sentinels are guarding Trinity’s body. The Analyst turns up and defeats Neo with new powers, and tells him that he must give up in the real world and return to his pod to be inserted back into the matrix.
Sati (who doesn’t seem very important in the movie) shows up and request a meeting with Niobe and Neo, Sati reveals she has been watching over Neo and has a very risqué and complicated plan to rescue Trinity, the success of the rescue will depend on Trinity wanting to wake up from the matrix. Niobe agrees to the plan after being guilt tripped for not saving more humans from the matrix and re-instates Bugs and her crew along with avatar Morpheus whose job is to steal Trinity’s body from the pod while Neo’s job is to convince Trinity that her life in the matrix is all fake and to remember her true identity and come back to the real world with him.
Neo enters the matrix to talk to Trinity, but is stopped by the Analyst and a small army of men to capture Neo, The Analyst starts negotiations for Neo surrender but Neo says He’s come to get Trinity and take her back, The Analyst says it’s not possible and Neo warns that Bugs will disconnect Neo, killing him, if they can’t go free. Neo then makes a deal with the Analyst, that if Trinity wants to come back with him, they can leave without problems or if she doesn’t want to leave the matrix, he will give himself up as long as they can see each other in the Matrix. The analyst agrees to Neo’s terms, but has no intent to honor it. Trinity enters the scene and she and Neo talk, she is uncertain what Neo is saying is true, suddenly her family of handlers appear and try and make her return home, she says goodbye to Neo and turns to leave with her family, and Neo gives himself up to the Analyst. An argument starts between Tiffany and her husband, then Tiffany suddenly becomes Trinity and she and Neo fight to get to each other, all hell breaks loose as they touch and become a very powerful team and try to escape, red pill fighters arrive as back up as a huge cross city battle takes place, people possessed by agents start throwing themselves out of windows like bombs try to stop all the red pills from escaping. Trinity and Neo end up on top of a skyscraper as the sun rises and battle helicopters. Bug’s team are being defeated by agents and nearly dead until Bugs enters the matrix and saves them.
After Neo and Trinity defeat the helicopters, their only path to safety is to fly of the building, they both run and leap of the building and start to fall to their deaths, Neo’s powers have failed, suddenly they stop falling and trinity has the power to fly and holds onto Neo. Meantime in the real world, Morpheus has out smarted the sentinels and secured Trinity’s body and taken it back to Bug’s ship so Trinity and Neo can disconnect from the matrix together, which they do.
The final scene in the movie seems to be a short time in the future where Neo and Trinity both have the full powers of the ‘one’ and are back in the matrix to terrorize the Analyst, who has no power over them anymore, Trinity beats him up and Neo sarcastically taunts him about his analyzing shortfalls, Neo thanks The Analyst for the gift of giving them one last chance to be free, and then they fly off together above the city happily but with intent.
Leaving room for speculation of another Matrix movie.

Nei senojo morfejaus nei agento smito, jau negera nuojauta apima... Ir kruva juodckiu, kruva bobu su savo woke empowerment, bei bobos isgelbes visus. Balti vyrai degradai lochai isnaudotojai.
Parshiukas Lietuvos ekonominė krizė #697586   2021-12-18 09:54

Aciu konservams, gelezinkeliu krovinius is belarusijos pasieme estai, o lektuvus is kinijos latviai. Zjbs

Tačiau man keista, kad niekas nepaskaičiavo, kokį poveikį tai turės pirmiausia A.Lukašenkai – juk trąšos greičiausiai ras, kaip išvažiuoti iš Baltarusijos, ir atnešti pinigus jam. Kitas dalykas – koks poveikis bus Lietuvai: kokios dalies bendrojo vidaus produkto nesurinksime, kiek žmonių atleisime? Mūsų geležinkelis ir Klaipėdos jūrų uostas taip jau pastatytas, kad be krovinių iš Rytų nelabai suprantu, ką jis dar gali gabenti. Reikėjo kreiptis į ES dėl struktūrinės paramos – galime susidurti su šimtų žmonių atleidimais, ką mes su tuo darysime“, – klausė pašnekovas.

Ne veltui koncervai su liberalais nori privatizuot gelezinkelius, Klaipedos juru uosta ir dar daug ko... Papigiai...
Parshiukas Lietuvos ekonominė krizė #697590   2021-12-18 10:49
kvazaras [2021-12-18 10:36]:
Bet ant kiek reikia būt bukam, kad nesuprastum, jog tos sankcijos Baltarusijai pirmiausia smogs pačiai Lietuvai? Lietuva turėtų būt paskutinė valstybė, kuri su tomis sankcijom sutiktų, o mes esam pirmieji, kurių norim.
Nebent iš tikro, konservatoriai slaptai dirba Kremliui ir jų tikslas yra visais įmanomais būdais žlugdyt Lietuvą.

O musu valdziai px, jie atejo prichvatizuot pelningiausiu gabaliuku uosto it gelezinkelio, kita paliks sert valstybei dotacijom. O mes sunauja stebesimes kodel pencijos mizernos, kai liberalai ir koncervai is dividendu gyvens ir zvengs. Taigi rysiu plesymas su visais kaimynais pelningas grupuotems
Parshiukas Lietuvos ekonominė krizė #697592   2021-12-18 11:44
Tai tam kariaut su rusais ir reik kad prie bankrotu privest. O po to mazeikiu nafta ir gelda tik smulkmena atrodys. Ar apsilimas. O gelezinkelius dotuos valstybe is musu kisenes. O pelningi objetai mokes dividendus naujiems seimininkams. Po 30 metu, kai jaunasis landsbergis duos interviu zurnalui zmones, jis paaiskins, kad tik sunkiai dirbant galima taip gerai gyvent. O petras kurmelis vis dar tikes zmoniu dorumu ir valstybes galvomis...
Parshiukas Filmų rekomendacijos ir aptarimas #697619   2021-12-18 16:55
Tik viena sesuo Lana
Parshiukas Karas. Ginklai. Nesutarimai #697634   2021-12-18 20:12

Kazkur mes suklydom...
Parshiukas Atsipalaidavimui #697635   2021-12-18 20:24

Tesla - auto norintiems nuotykiu
Parshiukas YC Line #697640   2021-12-18 20:54
Ka jus cia bezdat, gerchiko stopas 1/6 D ATR instrumento. Youngcat isvis kazkur plaukioja. Gal net prie Tonio sektos po keliu metu prisijungs.

Net lengviau tapo
Parshiukas Lietuvos ekonominė krizė #697661   2021-12-19 09:33
Dariukas pupuliukas tikejosi kad kolonijinej valstybej jam bus gerai gyvent. Naivuolis
Parshiukas Lietuvos ekonominė krizė #697663   2021-12-19 09:51
Visi zinojom kad kariausim su rusais ir kinais. Bet deja kai kuriems iliuzijos vriednos iki siol. Mokek babpkes jei durnius
Parshiukas Karas. Ginklai. Nesutarimai #697675   2021-12-19 14:07
Zmones dirba, ne taip kaip anukas pridirba tik
Parshiukas Lietuvos ekonominė krizė #697691   2021-12-19 18:06
Bugalteris savaitgali bajavas, pabuchalines... Valstybe jam px, svarbiausia ka nusuks ir pasides uzpecky. Ziniomis forume nesidalins, nes cia jo byyyznis. Tai ko cia trinasi?
Parshiukas Filmų rekomendacijos ir aptarimas #697744   2021-12-19 21:41
Va naujas spidermenas vaikuciam isejo, virs 400 mljn per pima savaitgali, kai nori padaro
Parshiukas Nafta, dujos #697867   2021-12-20 09:16
Kalakutu lietus kaledoms, greitai ir daug
Parshiukas EUR/TRY #697917   2021-12-20 12:48
Bandau pirkt lira, subine dengia tik praejusios savaites high ir gaevskio teorijos. Na dar tikim kaledu stebuklais
Parshiukas EUR/TRY #698037   2021-12-21 04:24

Yeah baby, kaledos. Cia jums ne eurusd sasalint. 300 proc per 3 val ir tik su x10 svertu

A jau setupu grazumas...
Parshiukas Soft commodities #698183   2021-12-22 11:15
Soja ir apelsinu sultys nori kilt, siandien dar gali duot aukstyn
Parshiukas Nafta, dujos #698188   2021-12-22 11:29
Situacija dujose pasikeite, eis aukstyn, didieji lenda is shortu