Autorius | Žinutė |
2022-05-04 10:04 #715596 1 | |
Matson (MATX) strong as expected, IBD nuoroda, Bet pamiršo parašyti, kad pagal "repurchase program" liko dar 2.8m akcijų supirkti: "During the first quarter 2022, Matson repurchased approximately 0.7 million shares for a total cost of $68.6 million. On January 27, 2022 the Company announced an increase of three million shares in its existing share repurchase program. As of the end of the first quarter 2022, there were approximately 2.8 million shares remaining in the share repurchase program." "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-05-04 15:27 #715624 | |
Nebloga temą čia užsivedei, Kunige. Dar trąšininkus pasižiūrėk. Gali būti visai geras bėgimas. Taip sakant, gera pradžia, pusė darbo.
2022-05-04 16:10 #715632 | |
Tokia mintis buvo, kad čia pats sau vos ne dienoraštį rašau..
Pervežimai jūra man aktualu, 23+ metų čia darbuojuos, tad kartais minčių kyla. Smagiau žinoma būtų jeigu kas nors paoponuotų, parašytų kad čia ne viskas taip gerai, kaip paišau ar panašiai... Fetilizeriai įdomu žinoma, deja laiko jiems jau nerandu.. bent kol kas "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-05-05 14:21 #715708 | |
Costamare (CMRE) nenustebino, viskas kaip ir tikėtasi komentaruose "ramios bitės" Mr. Gregory Zikos, Chief Financial Officer of Costamare Inc., commented: “During the quarter the Company delivered strong results; revenues more than doubled to approx. $270 million and Net Income reached $115 million, compared to $60 million for the same period of last year. As of quarter end, liquidity stood at $640 million. Fundamentals and strong charter rates for the container market remain unchanged; a commercially fully employed container fleet with no vessels available on short notice. Congestion shows no signs of easing, while recent events are in fact contributing to further increases. In such an opportune market environment we have covered all of our containership open days for 2022 and we have ca. 95% coverage for 2023. Contracted revenues for the containership fleet in the water amount to $3.3 billion with a remaining time charter duration of 4.1 years. On the dry bulk side, the market continues to be strong with smaller ships earning a premium to the larger ones, also benefiting from container spillover. Supply and demand dynamics remain healthy underpinned by a historically low orderbook.” "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-05-11 15:16 #716164 | |
Baltic Dry Index perlipo 3000... Tai laivų vis gi reikia
Laukiam patvirtinimo šiandien prekyboje "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-05-18 14:39 #716677 | |
nesusilaikiau dėl ZIM
super geri 1Q rezai, Div Yield superinis, P/E žemiau 2... First Quarter 2022 Highlights Net income for the first quarter was $1,711 million (compared to $590 million in the first quarter of 2021), a year-over-year increase of 190%, or $14.19 per diluted share2 (compared to $5.13 in the first quarter of 2021) Adjusted EBITDA for the first quarter was $2,533 million, a year-over-year increase of 209% Operating income (EBIT) for the first quarter was $2,243 million, a year-over-year increase of 228% Revenues for the first quarter were $3,716 million, a year-over-year increase of 113% Carried volume in the first quarter was 859 thousand TEUs, a year-over-year increase of 5% Average freight rate per TEU in first quarter was $3,848, a year-over-year increase of 100% Net leverage1 ratio of 0.0x at March 31, 2022 (unchanged from December 31, 2021); reached positive net cash1 position of $779 million Declared dividend of approximately $342 million, or $2.85 per share, representing approximately 20% of first quarter net income Entered into multiple charter agreements for 17 newbuilds, of which 3 are LNG dual-fuel container vessels pre-markete paėmiau, + ZIM @ 67.01 + ZIM @ 66.24 Redaguota: Priest [LT] (2022-05-18 16:11 ) "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-05-18 16:54 #716689 | |
ZIM duoda vaizdų
+ ZIM @ 60.01 "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-05-18 18:11 #716701 | |
O gal galite paaiškinti kodėl šios kompanijos tokios pigios?
2022-05-18 18:14 #716702 1 | |
ciklinis verslas, vyrauja nuomonė, kad dabar Pats Pikas
iš kitus pusės, visi praktiškai prekiaujami su P/E nuo 1 iki 4 daug įmonių išsivalė balansus, skolos sumažintos maksimaliai Div Yield;ai kosminiai bet čia žiūriu tik Containerships ir Dry Bulk Tankeriai ir LPG/LNG dar kita istorija "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-05-19 12:30 #716748 | |
iš ZIM conference call'o, pabraukta mano, ir siūlau palyginti su dabartiniu MCap.
"Our results also stand out operationally as we grew our current volume by 5% in Q1, compared to Q1 last year. This is an impressive achievement, particularly given the global volume decreased by almost 2%. Slide number 4, you can see that our strong performance to date, combined with the 2022 long-term contract rates that we have secured, boost our confidence with respect to our 2022 guidance. The average rate of our long-term contract, which took effect starting about two weeks ago in May 1st, reflect a rate increase in excess of 100%, in other words, more than double as compared to 2021. These long-term contract rates illustrate customer expectation for both sustained demand for capacity as well as the continuation of a very strong rate environment. As such, we are raising our full year 2022 guidance and now expect to generate adjusted EBITDA between $7.8 billion to $8.2 billion, and adjusted EBIT between $6.3 billion to $6.7 billion in 2022. It is also, noteworthy, that our exceptional performance allows us to continue to return substantial capital to shareholders where our policy to distribute a dividend to shareholders on a quarterly basis at the rate of 20% of net income. Our board declared a Q1 dividend of $2.85 per share." "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-05-24 15:55 #717067 | |
DSX raportavo 1Q2022 rezultatus, kaip ir tikėtasi jie stiprūs Forward P/E ~4, kelia DIV, DIV Yield'as lenkia infliaciją, valio! Bet nuotaikos tokios kad jeigu uždarytų šiandien minuse, sakyčiau irgi normalu nes nu kiek gali shipping sektorius beatinti marketą? visi pasruvę kraujais, o jūreiviai ploja katučių "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-05-29 21:03 #717494 | |
Joakim Hannisdahl postas,
negi reikės tankeriais pradėti domėtis.. ech... koks vargas. "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-05-30 12:26 #717510 | |
Sujudimas tankeriu sektoriuje buvo ilgai laukiamas ir dinamika jau jauciama. Prognozuojama, kad tai, kas idomiausia - dar ateityje, ypac produktu tankeriu srityje, bet ciklo kreive nebutinai tiksliai sutaps su akciju kurso kreive. Tad klausimas kaip visada - ar momentas tinkamas. Kai kurios tankeriu bendroves jau nebera labai pigios (P/B Okeanis - 1,1, Hafnia - 1,2, Frontline - 1,4, Torm - 1,1).
2022-05-30 13:30 #717521 1 | |
FRO/EURN mergerį kas nors seka?
USA nedirba, tai žirklės kainose. "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-05-30 18:59 #717564 | |
Gana pavirsutiniskai, nesuku del to galvos. Ivykis greiciausiai vertintinas pozityviai - jei susiliejimas bus sekmingas, kompanija bus stambiausias toks laivynas pasaulyje, o Frontline istoriskai laikesi gana stabiliai, kas kiek neiprasta sektoriui. Procesa temdo tai, kad vienas stambiausiu Euronav savininku buvo pries susiliejima. Buvimas vienoje valtyje su John Frederiksen turi savu niuansu, ir pazistantys to zmogaus moralinius principus zino, kad reikalui esant jis gali trenkti visus lauk. Kita vertus, panasu, kad JF turi puikia uosle pelnui, o is savo valdomu kompaniju jis dargi spaudzia ir maksimalius dividendus. Istorija byloja, kadaise jem teko begti nuo Norvegijos teisesaugos i Kipra, kur dividendai neapmokestinami. Tiek pletku.
2022-06-15 11:01 #718521 1 | |
MAERSK artėja prie P/E ~2, vėl niežti nagai...
nebūtina DKK, galima ir EUR'ais Xetra biržoje - tickeris DP4B IB pavedimas per GETTEX komisas EUR 1.25 "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-06-16 12:02 #718665 2 | |
Konteinerių pervežimuose išpardavimas, tikėjimas pas visus dingo, laukiam armegedono.
"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-06-16 14:57 #718709 | |
Orientacijai ciklinese akcijose as daugiau ziuriu i P/B (aisku, smagu kai P/E geras). Maersk siais metais krito 27%, ko daugiau maziau ir buvo tikimasi. Protingos galvos sako, laikas neblogas ilgalaikiam investavimui i Maersk, kaip i nauja universalia logistine kompanija. (Siais metais stipriai krito ir DSV - keiciasi vartojimo pobudis).
2022-06-16 15:44 #718717 2 | |
LONG portfelius mano valdo pensijų fondai, ir gyvybės draudimas.
Nieko ten gero..deja.. o ir pats nesugebėčiau ramiai žiūrėti kaip važiuoja viskas žemyn. va spekuliacinis mano porfeliukas per IB tai +25% skaičiuojant YTD, pagrinde dėl Shipping ir Aviation sektoriaus. it tik todėl kad aktyviai valdomas, STP pavedimais išmeta mane automatu kaip pajuda ne ta kryptimi. tad manau taip geriau, nei pasyviai kažko laukti. "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett
2022-06-20 10:50 #719032 | |
Maersk stipriai aplamdytis šonais bando kilti nuo seklumos.
Ta proga jamam, kol dar dugne. Redaguota: Priest [LT] (2022-06-20 14:49 ) "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ― Warren Buffett