Autorius | Žinutė |
2018-02-21 20:16 #555464 | |
Kazkur pamenu Arnis yra sakes apie 'kacialka', kad svarui raumenyno reikia gramo baltymo. Nu jo, zoles kiekiai cia nemazi gautusi.
![]() Tiesa, g.b. kad gorilos turi kitokia virskinimo sistema, fermentacija ir t.t. |
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2018-02-21 20:22 #555466 |
Siais laikais vegetarai kad darosi populiaru - nieko nuostabaus. istisos kartos uzauga gyvulio nemate, tai pats skerdimo faktas tampa labai jautrus
![]() Blogiausia kad daugelis metasi i krastutinumus neturedami supratimo kodel taip daro ir dar blogiau - neturedami supratimo kaip teisingai maitintis. Nesvarbu ar mesedis, ar vegetaras ar veganas. Cia kaip su viskuo - svarbu ne ka naudoji, o kaip naudoji. |
2018-02-21 20:32 #555468 | |
Ja, svarbu ne ka naudoji, o nuo ko pastoji.
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2018-02-21 20:55 #555470 |
Del vegetaru, ne visi ziaumojantys zole, ja istiesu minta. Pvz karves - slamscia zole. Taciau ta zole minta bakterijos 3-ojoje karviu skrandzio dalyje. O karve maitinasi/virskina tas bakterijas. Kaip koks banginis planktona.
"I am not young enough to know everything."
- Oscar Wilde PS autams profesines paslaugas teikiu skubiai ir nemokamai. |
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2018-02-22 09:32 #555525 |
Pasidomekit kodel karve neturi iltiniu dantu o zmogus turi.Iltiniai dantys skirti plesyt mesai.
Plesrunu dantu sandara vienokia,zoledziu-priesinga.Zmogaus-per viduri,reiski jis yra visaedis.Tarp kitko,kazkur skaiciau straipsni kad zmogaus dantys-maziausiai pakites organas per visa evoliucija,kadangi mitybos iprociai yra vienas svarbiausiu veiksniu rusiai. Vegetarai ir veganai,issiraukit iltis ir atrajokit |
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2018-02-22 09:41 #555527 |
Gorilos yra augalėdžiai, bet iltinius dantis turi. Iltiniai dantys skirti gerklei perkąsti (kovai su kitais padarais) o ne mėsai plešyti.
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2018-02-22 09:44 #555528 |
Beveik kaip delfio komentaruose ;)
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2018-02-22 09:48 #555529 |
Todel vegetarai ir taikosi perkast aplinkiniams gerkles kaip gorilos,nes alkanas visada yra piktas ir kazkuom nepatenkintas.
Todel ir rekomenduoju issiraut iltis.Jei nenori plesyt karbonado,belieka plesyt kaimyna. Ir nesamone kad mesedziai labiau agresyvus uz vegetarus.As pvz mesos nepavalges galiu suzveret,ir man gaila tu zmogystu,kurie su tokiom aistrom turi kovot kasdien |
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2018-02-22 10:04 #555530 |
Is kur jus tokius stereotipus traukiat?
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2018-02-22 10:51 #555533 |
Cia nuo medziagu apykaitos priklauso. Tie kurie su letesne, gali ir patapt vegetarais, dar net pades susitvarkyt svorio problemas. Tie kurie su greita, tures problemu su pastoviu alkiu ir tikrai reikes pastoviai sukt galva del maisto. Kiekvienam pagal save.
O vaikams manau negalima, ju organizmas besivystantis |
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2018-02-22 18:49 #555589 |
O kodel vaikams negalima? Sherjim juos moekomis ir uzauginsim oranziniu humanoidu karta.Stevas Jobsas labai mego morkas,beja
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2018-02-22 18:49 #555590 |
O kodel vaikams negalima? Sherjim juos moekomis ir uzauginsim oranziniu humanoidu karta.Stevas Jobsas labai mego morkas,beja
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2018-02-22 18:49 #555591 |
O kodel vaikams negalima? Sheriam juos morkomis ir uzauginsim oranziniu humanoidu karta.Stevas Jobsas labai mego morkas,beja.
2018-02-22 19:23 #555593 | |
xanax [2018-02-22 18:49]: O kodel vaikams negalima? Sheriam juos morkomis ir uzauginsim oranziniu humanoidu karta.Stevas Jobsas labai mego morkas,beja. Negalima, nes pav. elnio jaunikliai maitinasi pienu, t.y. laikinai nėra vegetarai, nors užaugę mėsos neėda. Fight like ukrainians
2018-02-22 21:47 #555612 | |
Urviniai zmones iki dabartiniu zmoniu lygio issivyste valgydami mesa. Man kitu irodymu nereikia, kad mesa yra gerai. Kas nori tegul valgo tas kirmineliu apkakotas salotas is velniai zino kur.
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2018-03-03 01:01 #556743
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Labai idomus kanaliukas |
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2019-04-28 20:29 #597802 |
I Am Legend is a great MGTOW movie just replace the zombies with women and the only thing that is loyal to you is your dog. +++ I need to open a cat, wine, ice cream and lip stick store with netflix. Because most females will become angry spinsters. +++ Once you take the red pill there is no going back. I tried dating women and I wasn't able to because I knew their true nature. Manipulative, divisive, self-centered, narcissistic, always wanting to be right, unhappy, abusive, lustful for money, ungrateful, hard headed, unloving, quarrelsome, boastful, hateful, vengeful, dishonest, stuck-up, hypergamous, liar, and many more. +++ I quit dating and have been ghosting out MGTOW monk style for a while now... My nice clothes stay in my closet as I wear old out of style clothes... My nice toy cars stay at home now as I mostly drive a $3,000 beater... I talk nothing of investments and keep my head down and look away in the presence of women... That amount of ghosting worked great 2 years ago, but now.... There must be a massive man drought, I'm getting females up to 20 years younger checking me out, some I think are even good damn teenagers young enough to where I went to school with there mothers!!! They are starting and forcing conversation with me, its like thots are materializing out of thin air!!! Its been like a light switch this spring... Something must be happening if they are trying to bark up my tree... Oh well, guess its time to up my ghosting game, time to stop wearing deodorant and shaving.... +++ Marriage used to be a partnership, now it's just an indefinite indentureship for men. |
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2019-05-01 23:01 #597970 |
Deep within the heart of every women, is a teenage girl: zero accountability; zero responsibility. 68% of women vote Democrat. The current divorce rate is some 68%. Rusijoj 80 proc. +++ Women are never satisfied they want someone better and more and better stuff than they have. Bezos and Brad Pitt couldn’t hang on to their wives. Yep, they don't know what they want, because it's up to the guy to figure that out. +++ Most of those women are narcissistic, and love to control other women. It's funny you said lesbian marriage lasted three months, before they wanted to get away from each other. Anytime I've met women like that, in a week they would want my babies and marriage, and then next week, I wasn't the ONE. |
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2019-05-06 22:31 #598326 |
Socially, men are considered expendable. This attitude plays out in how boys get educated, how there are treated in their relationships, and the justice systems just destroys men in criminal and civil court... and then women complain about how “privileged” we are. +++ The man used to be the head of the household. Now the state is. +++ Look at the divorce industry: Lawyers, courts, social workers etc. all those people count on divorce to keep their pockets lined. +++ Marriage used to be a institution that marked a woman's transfer of dependence and submission from her father to her husband. The ceremony had a spiritual component in addition to the declaration that a lifelong bond was being formed before the eyes of all present. Often times this took place when a girl was between 15-18 years old. The bride wore a white dress signaling her innocence. Women who were known to not be virgins would not even be considered for marriage by any man of quality. Today most women sleep around with dozens of different men until their late 20's early 30's and then start to look for a man to take care of them now that their youth and beauty is about leave them. Women that had fathers in the home growing up rarely consider asking their permission to marry a man because women are taught that submitting to male authority, in any form, is patriarchal oppression. The ceremony itself is a bloated and expensive farce. Everyone knows the bride is no virgin, often times she may even have another man's kid(s) from previous "relationships" running around the wedding and one or more of the groom's friends may have even slept with her, yet she is still wearing white. Men and women who were divorced were once widely shamed and ostracized, especially if they were the ones that chose to end the marriage. The financial penalties for ending a marriage are still place for men to encourage them to stick it out but the penalties for getting divorced have all been removed for women and indeed many new laws have been created to incentivize women to get divorced. The marriage ceremony has been stripped of all it's former meaning and has become a symbol of a man's enslavement to the state with his wife |
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2019-05-23 12:15 #599615 |
shtudent [2019-05-23 12:10]: kibiras [2019-05-23 10:10]: svarbiausias dalykas gyvenime yra PINIGAI Kolega, svarbiausias dalykas gyvenime - jūs pats. Visa kita - dulkės, iliuzija, kurią kiekvienas vaikosi pagal savo supratimą. Jūs tiksliai turite žinoti, kiek jums reikia, kokie konkretūs baigtiniai jūsų tikslai, tas pats kaip TP pozoje, o pinigai - viso labo priemonė. Kiek pažįstamų investuotojų nepridavė APG, PST ar INV po 20 Lt., nes godumui ribų nėra. Taip ir gyvenime, žmogus visko priplanavęs mažiausiai 3 gyvenimams į priekį, amžinai vaikosi kažkokių efemerijų, šviesios ateities, kuri niekada neišauš. Kad post'as būtų į temą, niekas jums nesukurs gerbūvio, gerų dėdžių nėra, valstybė - ta pati savininkė, kuri rūpinasi tik savo interesais, II pakopos fondas, kaupiant minimaliai ir visą gerbūvį kuriate pats. Kažkur skaičiau, kad Bibliją sudaro šiek tiek virš 2000 eilučių. Apie pinigus kalbama maždaug 15-oje procentų iš jų. Panašu, kad tai ir yra atsakymas, kokią dalį žmogaus gyvenime turi užimti pinigai. O kaip juos vertinti tvarkyti - žr. tas eilutes. ![]() 1. Godumą gydyk target`u, kvailumą - stop loss`u!
2. Konservai - tai toks blogas maisto pakaitalas. 3. Darbas durnių myli - WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER! 4. Pem` štukų vagnorkių! 5. Mudu su Izabele... 6. Laukinis kapitalizmas nustekeno žmogiškąjį kapitalą. 7. Prie Niksono |