Autorius | Žinutė |
2018-02-08 21:30 #553549 | |
dar irodymui koks zmoniu bukumas USA |
2018-02-08 22:07 #553561 1 | |
ms88: Sveiki. Reikalingas jūsų patarimas. Kur patartumėte, ar patys įsigyjat fizinį sidabrą? Esu čia naujokas, busiu dėkingas už bet kokią informaciją. |
2018-02-08 22:33 #553568 | |
Tokiro [2018-02-08 20:07]: ms88: Sveiki. Reikalingas jūsų patarimas. Kur patartumėte, ar patys įsigyjat fizinį sidabrą? Esu čia naujokas, busiu dėkingas už bet kokią informaciją. Po 17.83 EUR uz vieneta (1oz) kenguros? Na gal geriau nereikia. Apiplesimas! Ar as kampo nepagaunu? if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
The Undercover Economist |
2018-02-08 22:35 #553569 | |
Grand, o pas jus ten Londone po kiek fizinis?
2018-02-08 22:39 #553570 | |
siunciuosi is Siuo metu jie siulo uz 16.49 EUR (perkant 100 oz ir daugiau) Bet pas juos paskutiniu metu siuntimas isauges. Bet visteik geriau gaunasi nei po 17.83 EUR.
Zinau kad galima rasti dar geriau. Paskutini karta sakau kooperuokites!! Siuskites 500 oz is issidalinkite siame forume. Bus dar pigiau! if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
The Undercover Economist |
2018-02-08 22:47 #553571 1 | |
Grand, cia tubas filharmoniju kainuoja 331.65 EUR taigi 16.58 EUR/OZ Siuntimas nekainuoja, arba galima nueit i parduotuve Vilniuje ar Kaune ir atsiimt. |
2018-02-08 22:59 #553576 | |
Cool tada. Tai ir klausiu kaip yra kad po vieneta taip brangu? Tada cool. Filharmonijos be apsaugos, bet fine. Turiu.
if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
The Undercover Economist |
2018-02-09 19:22 #553789 | |
Buy $16.26
Reikia sustiprint pozicija. Pirmadieni tikiuosi atsokimo iki $16.45 if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
The Undercover Economist |
2018-02-12 11:16 #554102 | |
Grand [2018-02-09 17:22]: Buy $16.26 Reikia sustiprint pozicija. Pirmadieni tikiuosi atsokimo iki $16.45 dali uzdarome $16.47 if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
The Undercover Economist |
2018-02-12 11:39 #554107 1 | |
Grand, kaip cia yra? Pagal nuorodas ir pasisakymus tai targetai vos ne 20-30 baksu nuo dabartines kainos.
Kai prekyba, tai pelnas jamamas jau ir po 20 centu....... |
2018-02-12 11:54 #554110 | |
Kazkaip uz swapa reikia susimoket?
Mano targetai lieka tie patys, turiu pakankamai Po $13.8 - $14.4. Tikriausiai vienintelis siame forume uz tokias kainas popieros turiu. O kas blogo perkant po $16.26 uzdaryti su pelnu po 2 dienu? Swapas kosminis ir as tikrai nemokesiu jo is savo kisenes. Kas del ilgalaikiu poziciju as su malonumu pridesiu dar po $15.40 ir zemiau. Bet tokios kainos nera Taip pat galvoju isigyti fizinio. Gal vasara? if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
The Undercover Economist |
2018-02-14 13:14 #554374 | |
Sidabras visur!
A total of 259 sets of medals have been created for the games. The gold medals weigh 586 grams and are made of 99.9% pure silver plated with 6 grams of gold. The silver medals weigh 580 grams and are made of 99.9% pure silver. The bronze medals weigh 493 grams and are made of 90% copper and 10% zinc. This means that, despite all the gold medals to be awarded, only about 55 ounces of gold was used to create them. Meanwhile, about 9,659 ounces of silver was needed for the production of both the gold and silver medals. if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
The Undercover Economist |
2018-02-14 17:34 #554434 | |
Grand [2018-02-12 09:16]: Grand [2018-02-09 17:22]: Buy $16.26 Reikia sustiprint pozicija. Pirmadieni tikiuosi atsokimo iki $16.45 dali uzdarome $16.47 sitoje grazioje vietoje ant $16.79 galime uzsidaryti dar biski (pirkto po $16.26) Paprasta. Laukiam $24 kainos su likusiu. if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
The Undercover Economist |
2018-02-17 15:28 #554812 | |
First, we know from COT report data that a single entity has held a consistently large concentrated short position in COMEX silver, larger in terms of actual world production than in any other commodity. We further know that this large entity has always been the largest futures market short in COMEX silver over the entire decade; never flipping to net long. Next we know from COT data that while this uniquely large concentrated short seller has always been net short, its short position has both expanded and contracted regularly over the years and - get this – it has never lost money as it added or bought back short COMEX futures contracts. Never a loss, always only gains, a stunningly perfect trading record.[ Tegyvuoja Amerika! Tegyvuoja $, te visad busim vergais! JPMorgan ir JPMorgan: How about silver? This has remained stubbornly below $17 an ounce with the Gold:Silver Ratio currently sitting at above 80. We suspect silver will have its day, but not yet perhaps. It remains securely under the control of the futures markets and the big banks – notably JP Morgan – which reportedly holds an enormous silver inventory for its clients and on its own account while having the biggest silver short position on COMEX at the same time. Ultimately it will no doubt allow the silver price to rise and see huge gains, but the timing of such a move remains obscure. if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
The Undercover Economist |
2018-02-21 15:07 #555401 | |
Dar karta apie ta pati... Since the bear markets ended in December of 2015, the dollar price of COMEX silver has—ON THIRTEEN SEPARATE OCCASIONS—closed above its 200-week moving average. Note that after each of these THIRTEEN events, the price was immediately set upon the following week and pushed back below this important, long-term trend indicator. This is clear, deliberate and obvious price suppression designed to keep price contained. Could it continue for a while longer? Of course. Will it continue forever? No. Especially not with the falling dollar and rising commodities ratcheting up the pressure on The Banks to an intolerable level. if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
The Undercover Economist |
2018-02-24 13:14 #555798 | |
Inflation’s back and commodities will benefit, JPMorgan says “Rising inflation is beneficial for commodities,” JPMorgan said. “In fact, metals, both base and precious, exhibit their best performance (both outright and volatility-adjusted) when inflation has reached the Fed’s 2% target and continues rising,” it said, referring to the Federal Reserve. Bets on gains in precious metals, copper, zinc and nickel will probably result in the highest returns over one year, the bank said. Assuming the present cycle will stretch beyond 2018, the current expansion is just beginning one of the strongest periods for metals prices broadly, it said. if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
The Undercover Economist |
2018-02-24 14:28 #555802 1 | |
Tai cia tie negincijami irodymai apie sviesia sidabro ateiti?
Assuming, probably ir t.t. ;) |
2018-02-24 20:38 #555809 | |
Tai nera garantuota, nes tokio dalyko gyvenime nebuna. Tai yra mintys ir idejos.
Sitame forume daug troliu kurie ateina ir is lempos sako - Ag gali buti $5. Taip gali. Gali rytoj buti branduolinis karas, gali meteoras reztis, gali daug kas buti bet nebus. Nebus Ag $5. O stai idejos, mintys ir analizes zmoniu ne is pirsto lauztu sneku kodel gali buti $20, $50 ar net $100. Infliacija, pinigu spausdinimas ir laikas eina sidabro naudai ir ne uz ilgo diena kai jis 100% bus $20. Buvo unikali galimybe pirkti popieros po $14.20 ir $13.80. (...galimybe parsiduoti po $18 ir $19 kas pirkta uz minetas kainas) Bet visi lauke, lauke ir trolino, kad tuoj bus $5, tuoj bus $8... Galvojo nusipirks popieriaus po $4.50 ir taps milijonieriais. F.U. Eiliniai losejai ir kvailiai. if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
The Undercover Economist |
2018-02-24 21:13 #555811 1 | |
Brangsta nafta, (energetika) turi brangti ir metalai. Būtų idomu, jei kas turėtų skaičius kiek proc. Sidabro gavimo savikainoje sudaro nafta. Kitas momentas, kad straipsnis apie JAV infliaciją ir sidabrą, principe prognozuoja darbo užmokesčio augimą, kas irgi atsiliepia metalų kainose. Tai idomiausias momentas ir yra kokia sidabro savikainos struktūra (D.U. ir energetika)
2018-02-24 22:29 #555815 | |
Ag pagrinde yra Cu, Cu-Ni, Pb, Pb-Zn rudu apdorojimo ir Au gavybos salutinis produktas. Todel tokie skaiciavimai daugmaz beverciai.
"I am not young enough to know everything."
- Oscar Wilde PS autams profesines paslaugas teikiu skubiai ir nemokamai. |