Autorius | Žinutė |
2014-12-22 15:03 #425287 | |
lusjens_1 [2014-12-22 13:03]: Dividends 0,939 EUR Man gana netikėtas sprendimas. Bet jis geras, siekiant palaikyti aukštesnę akcijos kainą. Džiugu, kad vardan to didieji akcininkai ima dalintis pelnu su mažaisiais. |
2014-12-22 15:05 #425288 | |
vis dėl to nuojauta pasiteisino. Taigi GRD kaina turėtų stabilizuotis, nes pastaruoju metu tik krito. Dividendinis pajamingumas privilios papildomą paklausą taigi bus matyti ar pardavėjai ir toliau pratęs pardavimus ar lauks aukštesnės kainos nusimesti ar netgi tam kartui atsitrauks.
Esi KTU bendruomenės narys? Prisidėk prie mūsų! |
2015-01-07 14:36 #426504 | |
Tadas378 [2014-12-09 11:23]: Taip, Lipmanis kartu su ABLV viršija 50% reikalingų balsavimo teisių. Ta proga šiandien nusipirkau gabalą po 6 su tikslu priduoti po 6.5, jei bus patvirtinti dividendai. Šiandien pridaviau visas akcijas po 6.6 - planas įvykdytas sėkmingai. SAF, SFG, EGR, TAL, LNS, NEO, SAB, TEL, Bitcoin.
2015-01-07 14:51 #426507 | |
greitas pelnas gal ir gerai , bet aš lauksiu dividendų, tomis dienomis turėtų apie 8 Eur kainuoti, jei pasaulyje nebus didelių kataklizmų. Ir šiaip manau, kad akcijos paskutiniųjų metų trend'as apsivertė, galbūt klystų, o kaip bus pamatysim.
Esi KTU bendruomenės narys? Prisidėk prie mūsų! |
2015-01-07 15:06 #426510 2 | |
Aš lyginu Grindeks su Olainfarm, kurių kaina, atmetus dividendus, yra labai panaši šiuo metu. Mano nuomone, Grindeks šiuo metu atrodo prasčiau, todėl savo pinigais balsavau už Olainfarm
2015-01-07 18:14 #426522 | |
I also am waiting for dividend ,and have participated shareholders meeting, seems ,that he will pump out money throught dividends ,to buyout all shares ,because now BV is appx. 12 Eur.. and last huge dealing was at 11 Eur when Gavrilovs sold his stake ,and Lipman was angry that haven't got this stake for good price..
2015-02-04 13:01 #429038 | |
Vienas mėnuo liko dividendus, šiuo metu 13,3% atitinka daugiau nei 1 mėnesį uždirbti! Manau, kad dėl to, Lipman išreikštas oficialaus siūlymo. Ką jis gali padaryti ir kai dividendai pinigų sąskaitą. 15 metų, tačiau nemokėjo nieko, krizė staiga kilo idėja pašalinti Beveik viskas, kas yra dividendai.
2015-02-04 16:19 #429083 | |
Can you in english? Thanks
2015-02-04 17:18 #429085 | |
Was trying by ) My idea is that one month is left till 03.03.2015 ,when shareholders will be registered for dividends 0.93Eur ,first time in GRD1R history ,now it going to have 13 ,3% gain in 1 month + future gains (BV is 13 Eur) and the market resitance at price 10Eur . I have been in shareholders meeting and it seems,that MR Lipmans is paying dividends , and when he will have money in his account ,he will make a buyback shares . There are many factors why it will be ,
1) is that our financial institution got a requirement in court for share byuback (he is a major shareholder) , 2) in this year Grindex will start export to China , 3) that they are calculating for building a new manufacture in Russia ,because of low prices there 4)in meeting he said that the current price of GRD is funny, and only because he have lost his money in LME ,he cannot buyback shares ,after dividends he will have + - 5 millions Eur... |
2015-02-04 17:26 #429086 | |
We have more companies where BV is much higher than current share price and you can call this price "funny".. But most of them are not paying any dividents since 4-5 years and it's not funny anymore.
Besides Grindex is very much dependand on Russia and Ukraine markets, so that brings some extra risks. ALL-IN into CRYPTO
2015-02-04 18:46 #429089 | |
But this will pay, also that is why GRD wants to build manufacture in Russia to get government buys, and they said that are seraching and getting new markets around the World.
2015-02-05 10:56 #429125 | |
Robertinijo [2015-02-04 17:18]: 1) is that our financial institution got a requirement in court for share byuback (he is a major shareholder) , ,after dividends he will have + - 5 millions Eur... If he has about 50% of GRD shares, he still needs about 35 millions euro for buyback of last shares. So, do the mentioned 5 millions change the problem of shares buyback? |
2015-02-05 17:51 #429162 1 | |
"on paper 49,97" ,bet in reality appx. 75% ! ( Because his son owns ABLV fund huge part ) there was a circus un meetings ,few a row when firstly ABLV with own huge packet voted for dividends ,Lipmans voted against and then opposite Lipman voted For Dividends,but ABLV against . to show that they do not work together That is why ,he need to buyback less than 50% , and will have more than 5'ooo'ooo Eur in dividends, and I believe that he isn't without money now
2015-02-06 10:58 #429247 | |
Kai kas gal dar pradėsite rašynėti ir portugališkai?
2015-02-23 10:32 #430764 | |
Did I miss anything that the price is going down?
2015-02-23 10:35 #430765 | |
Klaustukas [2015-02-06 10:58]: Kai kas gal dar pradėsite rašynėti ir portugališkai? Daugiau investuotojų = didesnis likvidumas = win/win |
2015-02-27 19:33 #431536 | |
2015-02-27 21:52 #431541 | |
Nuostolis per IVQ apie 6M EUR.
Įdomu, čia dėl gale metų apskaičiuotos valiutų kursų nuostolio 6,2M EUR? SAF, SFG, EGR, TAL, LNS, NEO, SAB, TEL, Bitcoin.
2015-03-02 12:16 #431706 | |
Kas cia per laisvas kritimas siandien?
2015-03-02 12:43 #431710 | |
Dividendų ex-diena Sakyčiau mažai dar krenta... liko be pinigų, su prastais rezultatais ir nekokiom perspektyvom. "Žmogus, kuriam pasisekė,- tai žmogus, kuris darė tai, ką kiti tik ruošėsi daryti"
P.J.Renard |