Autorius | Žinutė |
2013-01-13 10:47 #320665 | |
What is Meditation?
Meditation is a simple yet powerful technique that effortlessly allows your mind to become calm and peaceful. All you need to do is sit with your eyes closed and you might experience deeper rest than the deepest sleep which you can ever have! Benefits of Meditation When you embark on this trip of meditation, you will experience manifold benefits - increased creativity, better concentration, boost in productivity, deep relaxation, improved awareness, freedom from stress, better decision-making, and the list goes on. Meditation for Everyone Meditation is universal and transcends the divides of age, religion, country and culture. Anybody and everybody today can practice meditation. In fact, there is a need for everyone to meditate because all look for peace and happiness in life. Meditation is a way that can lead to that goal. It facilitates a stress-free mind and a healthy body. Sahaj Samadhi Meditation If you think you are too busy to experience this magic, there's good news: Sahaj Samadhi Meditation just takes 20 minutes of your time! It’s an investment with only profit on your side. Sahaj Samadhi Meditation is a form of mantra meditation. The chanting of mantra during this meditation lets the mind settle down easily. When the mind is calm, it lets go of all tension. ![]() ![]() ![]() Redaguota: lorpak (2013-01-13 14:25 ) |
2013-01-13 10:56 #320668 | |
Q:Meditation calms the mind. It feels good. But in our daily life we have to handle paying bills, parking tickets and other mundane things. How can we do this with the same calm mind without getting irritated or perturbed?
Sri Sri: You take a shower in the morning to clean your body. After that you do all the daily activities. You don't have to take showers throughout the day. It is like that. You meditate and calm your mind, then go on with other activities. It is not easy to keep yourself undisturbed, but it will happen as you keep doing the practices regularly. Then it becomes easy. ![]() ![]() ![]() Redaguota: lorpak (2013-01-13 12:05 ) |
2013-01-13 22:08 #320837
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Kodel jus rasote cia o ne i foruma Atsipalaiduokime. ?
2013-01-13 23:35 #320851
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atsipalaiduokim temoje zmones stengiasi i sudetingas gyvenimiskas situacijas paziureti su juoko doze, o cia atvirksiciai - paprasta, kiekvieno zmogaus asmeniska gyvenimo pojuti, stengiamasi isprausti i kazkokius apibreztus remus.
Kam stoti i juru laivyna, jeigu gali buti piratu.
2013-01-14 10:15 #320875 | |
Smalsumas - mokslo motina. Nuostaba - dvasingumo.
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2013-01-15 09:14 #321098 | |
: Guruji, How to deal with righteousness without becoming biased? I tend to withdraw myself if I am wrong and that limits my ability to forgive and forget.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: All those who get angry do so on the basis of righteousness only. But their idea of righteousness is very limited. All types of things happen in this world, you need patience. Wanting only righteousness, and saying, ‘I want to be right and I want everybody to be right, right now', is not possible. Wanting everyone to be right is okay, but you need to give them that long rope. Have righteousness with patience, then anger will not take over. Otherwise when you say, ‘I am righteous', and you demand, 'I want this', then anger comes, and when anger comes, you lose your righteousness as well. If you are angry, it is as bad as someone doing something wrong. Suppose someone does not clean this place and it is all dirty. You come here and you get angry. Now that person has made a mistake, has not cleaned it, that is correct. But you getting so upset and yelling and shouting about it is another mistake. Two mistakes cannot make one mistake right. So if someone does something wrong, patiently tell them once, twice, thrice, and educate them. You need enormous patience to be an educator. School teachers these days have this challenge. They tell the children 10 times but still they do not listen. The children have an attention deficiency syndrome. Children do not attend to it. So patience is required. Patience is a virtue. It is one of the six wealths: Sham (calmness or quietude of mind), Dama (self-control or restraint), Uparati (self-withdrawal from worldly objects), Titiksha (power of endurance), Shraddha (faith) and Samadhana (equanimity or one-pointedness of the mind). Samadhana is to have that contentment and patience. It is absolutely essential. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2013-01-15 09:14 #321099 | |
Meilė nėra emocija. Ji tavo būtis.
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2013-01-15 11:08 #321158 | |
Just remember this, there is no human being devoid of goodness. Sometimes it gets buried under stress and ignorance.
![]() ![]() ![]() Redaguota: lorpak (2013-01-15 12:12 ) |
2013-01-16 16:37 #321567 | |
Mūsų gyvenimo dėmesio centras yra dvasinis augimas ir ramybė. Tuomet visi kiti dalykai spiesis aplink. Tavo pagrindinis ir svarbiausias įsipareigojimas gyvenime - būti su Tiesa, augti tiesoje.
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2013-01-16 17:46 #321586 | |
Assure a man that he has a soul and then frighten him with old wives' tales as to what is to become of him afterward, and you have hooked a fish, a mental slave.
Theodore Dreiser |
2013-01-17 10:21 #321663 | |
Q: Guruji, It is said that one get everything from surrender; then is it right to understand that those who have not got everything have not surrendered completely?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: One should think carefully before asking for everything also. If you ask for everything, it will include both the good and the bad. Joy, sorrow, problems, all these are included in everything. All these are part of life. See, there is no clarity in your mind. You don't even clearly know what you want. One day, sit comfortably somewhere and think about what you really want. You have dozens of wants and your mind gets caught up with them; this is not right. Have one want and focus on that. There is no one who can say that none of his desires have been fulfilled. Also there is no one who can say that all his desires have been 100% fulfilled. The more the Sattva, the more fulfillment comes, and work that you undertake gets accomplished. The more you are in a joyful state, that much more of your work get completed. The lesser your cravings for your desires to get fulfilled, the more your desires get fulfilled. If you sit with new desires every minute then, our consciousness which is like a computer, gets confused - like how you commonly call it, ‘it hangs’ and abruptly stops working. Even in your cell phone, if you initiate too many operations all at once it will stop working. Just like a cell phone, our consciousness is like a big computer. That is why desiring is also an art, and having your desires fulfilled is also an art. Furthermore, being able to have desires fulfilled even without desiring is an even bigger art. This is what is called Siddhi (extraordinary or perfected ability). How many of you here have experienced that before you desire, your needs are being met? (Many raise their hands in the audience). See, so many Siddhas (perfected ones) are sitting here. Everyone is raising their hands. Even before you desire, if all your work is being done then it is worth praising. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2013-01-17 10:22 #321664 | |
Jauskis dėkingas už savo būtį, už savo kūną ir viską, ką turi, už visą patirtą meilę. Šis dėkingumas atneš tau klestėjimą, džiaugsmą ir laimę.
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2013-01-18 09:16 #321899 | |
WOU ![]() stebuklas. ![]() |
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2013-01-18 10:55 #321936 |
Tai ne stebuklas, tiesiog pagavo jį, ir nieko kito nebeliko, kaip verkti ir atgailauti.
Bitcoin accepted here - 1JjA1x5CgANZAvBWxyUChtys8Ebp9toVsY alus, pliusas music intel samsung LG_Electronics |
2013-01-18 11:31 #321947 | |
tiesiog pagavo jį, Droidai, nepagavo jo( kas kaip ir kada??...negirdėti buvo....), jis pats taip nusprendė, t.y jo sąžinė už jį.... O su ja ne juokai. ![]() ![]() kaip jam palengvėjo dabar, kokia našta nusirito..... Kokia bebūtų visuomenės reakcija, jam nusispjautis. |
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2013-01-18 11:43 #321950 |
Galetu iteisint ta dopinga apskritai ir tegul varzosi tarpusavyje dopinginiai ir visoki kitoki. Sportas pavirstu narchasheliu klubu ir tada galetu darytis isvadas. Nors tarp visokiu muskulistu jau senai didzioji dalis visoki shuda naudoja, nes naturaliai tokios raumenu mases kuri is esmes neproporcinga kunui, neuzauginsi..
2013-01-18 13:29 #321991 | |
Taip, tai yra sistema, ypač fiziškai alinančiame dviračių sporte.... Ir jei tu nesutinki būti to dalimi, tave eliminuoja iš aukščiausiojo ešalono. O būti ten taip pat savotiškas ne mažiau stipresnis dopingas....
O prie to prisidėję ir komandų vadovai, ir treneriai.... visi nori, kad tu vartotum ir duotum rekordus bei pergales, tačiau atsakomybė prislegia tik sportininką, kiti pasitraukia į šešėlį ieškoti naujos aukos, jei išaiškėja teisybė... Tai labai drąsus žingsnis, sveikinu Amstrongą. Tik stipri asmenybė galėtų taip pasielgti. Jis įrodė toks esąs. |
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2013-01-18 13:44 #321998 |
lorpak [2013-01-18 11:31]: Droidai, nepagavo jo( kas kaip ir kada??...negirdėti buvo....) Taigi atėmė visus apdovanojimus jau senokai. Nelabai seku situaciją, lyg komandos draugas įdavė. Juk jis ne tik naudojo, bet ir kitus aprūpindavo. Kokia dar stipri asmenybė - elementarus pričiuptas sukčius nusikaltėlis. Visa afera jam baigsis labai liūdnai - ten jį užteis. Bitcoin accepted here - 1JjA1x5CgANZAvBWxyUChtys8Ebp9toVsY alus, pliusas music intel samsung LG_Electronics |
2013-01-19 12:38 #322202 | |
Q: Guruji, How relevant are orthodox superstitions like the evil eye etc? Are they correct or wrong?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The world of thoughts is a subtle world. There is some effect of all these and there is a simple way to remove these effects. All this is based on vibrations. There are vibrations everywhere. The whole life is a vibration. Every object is a vibration. So, may be some negative vibration can come towards you. You might feel little discomfort. If someone abuses you, then doesn't your mind get scattered and lose its focus? Doesn’t it happen to you? A simple solution was found by our ancient people – waving and sprinkling some salt near the body was thought to remove these vibrations. Even in foreign countries when people have some mental disturbances, they go near the beach, the ocean. They feel the salty air invigorates and energizes their consciousness. Just by using salt and water, you can cleanse your subtle aura; nothing more than this is required. There are many superstitions and false beliefs - like holding the infant upside down in temples; burying the child in sand for a minute or so etc. All this is very wrong and should not be done. Our society has many wrong beliefs and there is absolutely no support for this in the scriptures. It is mentioned very clearly in the scriptures that what does not appeal to your intellect or is not practical and appears to be a wrong behaviour, you should not do that at all. Sanatan Dharma is against such superstitions. But such superstitions have creeped into all religions. We have to remove the superstitions and adopt only good practices. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2013-01-19 12:39 #322203 | |
Tavo gyvenimas gali būti lapas, vanduo, vaisius, gėlė - kad ir koks jis bebūtų, pasiūlyk jį su atsidavimu. Tavo gyvenimas yra vaisius.
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