Autorius | Žinutė |
2012-10-12 10:13 #302842 | |
Q: Guruji, is there an end to birth and death or does it go on infinitely? When will the present Kaliyug end?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, present Kaliyug has been there only for five hundred years, and another twenty thousand years to go in the big cycle. But in the small cycle the good period has started. Now is the transition period and good period has started. Good people’s voice will be heard so don’t worry about having bad times. Kaliyug is not all that bad, you should remember. Even in Satyug there were four raakshasas (demons). They wouldn’t even allow you to do ‘Om Namo Narayana’ jaap at home. They would come with a ‘talvaar’ (sword) and cut your head. You have heard all that. So don’t glorify Satyug as though there was no crime then. I don’t think Kaliyug is so bad that all crime will be here now. So don’t sit down doing nothing but blaming the time. This is wrong, we shouldn’t blame the time. |
2012-10-12 10:35 #302848 | |
Kas čia per monologai
2012-10-13 20:01 #303064 | |
Meilės negalima pažinti ar suprasti. Ją galima tik jausti. Vaikas neklausia savo mamos: „Koks tavo pasirengimas, ką tu veiki? Kokie tavo draugai? Papasakok, tada tave mylėsiu.“
2012-10-25 13:28 #305066 | |
Jeigu jautiesi laisvas, tuomet ir esi laisvas. Jeigu jautiesi pririštas, tuomet ir esi pririštas.
2012-11-01 13:50 #306375 | |
eskubėk. Kiekvienas pumpuras pražysta savo laiku. Neversk pumpuro tapti gėle. Nebandyk atskleisti jo žiedlapių. Jie yra trapūs ir tu juos pažeisi. Palauk.
2012-11-01 14:15 #306384 | |
Stebėtojas labai panašus į Lorpak. Kodėl tokios metamarfozės?
Bitcoin accepted here - 1JjA1x5CgANZAvBWxyUChtys8Ebp9toVsY alus, pliusas music intel samsung LG_Electronics |
2012-11-01 16:10 #306396 4 | |
Stovi tiltas Teka upė O ant tilto varna tupi Na tai kas, kad varna tupi? Stovi tiltas Teka upė Taip ir vaikštau Paskutinis mamutas Tarp žmonių. |
2012-11-01 17:50 #306422 | |
Kodėl tokios metamarfozės? Tas pats šaltinis.... Bet malonu, kad pastebėjai , Droidai. |
2012-11-01 17:50 #306423 1 | |
Q: Is there a relationship between ego and possessiveness, and how do we get out of both?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes. Ego, possessiveness, jealousy, anger, greed are all linked. They are linked to the ego. Now, how to get rid of the ego? This is a big problem. Actually the solution is very simple. Just agree to be crazy for one day. Just act like a crazy person for one day. That is good enough. Ego means that you are trying to impress others. You need the other for ego to be there. When you are alone in a place, there cannot be any ego. Ego pops up when the other is there. If you are like a child, and are natural and feeling at home, that is the best antidote for ego. Ego cannot sustain or survive when naturalness takes over, and when you feel at home with everybody and have a sense of belongingness with everyone. All these qualities can transform you. If the ego still says, ‘I am’, then that ego should be expanded. One is a Transparent Ego; the other is an Expanded Ego. Both mean the same. The Expanded Ego means – everyone is included – everyone belongs to me. I am everything. That is very good. So, either pump your ego and make it very big, or transform it with simple acts of simplicity and innocence. That just makes ego transparent. |
2012-11-02 09:18 #306465 | |
"The ability to experience this state of unity even for a little while in meditation is present in the saatvic consciousness, although one cannot remain in this state forever. A raajasic mind is one that focuses on the differences (disparateness) among all beings / individuals. Taamasic intellect is that which is stuck in one point of view, and lacks the ability and willingness to look beyond; a thought comes to the mind and becomes permanently rooted – small /narrow mindedness. Say for instance, one forms a negative opinion of someone, treats them unfairly and then uses all means and arguments to justify that behaviour or stand point. You see many people in this taamasic mindset all around. They stay trapped in their preconceived notions. The idea that meditation, yoga etc. are useless, and all saadhus (Sages) and sanyaasis (hermits) are imposters, hypocrisy remains firmly embedded in their minds. They are unwilling to alter their opinion even when contrary evidence is provided. This is taamasic attitude or knowledge. I will tell you a story; Mullah Nasruddin had a thought that he was dead. He began to deny everything with the argument that he was dead. If his wife said something to him, he would say, ‘how can a dead man reply?’ If she asked him to do any work, he would say, ‘how can a dead man do anything?’ So finally his wife got fed up and took him to a psychiatrist. After a lot of discussion, the psychiatrist asked mullah, if blood comes out of a dead body. Mullah said ‘no, blood becomes water’. So the psychiatrist took out a pin and pricked mullah’s hand, and blood came out. ‘Look mullah, you are bleeding, so you are alive!’ said the psychiatrist. Then Mullah looked at the oozing blood and said, ‘Oh, today I have learnt a new thing – even dead men bleed!!’ This is taamasic knowledge. Saatvik knowledge is essential in life. Through Saatvik knowledge, God can be found. For earthly life, some raajasic knowledge (discrimination) is needed. Taamasic knowledge increases sorrow, suffering and ignorance."
2012-11-02 11:26 #306496 | |
"In earlier days, they used to say, ‘Don’t go with an empty hand. When you go to a Guru, go with something.’
The Guru is going to give you knowledge, so what you can do, is exchange it with a little stick. Give something in exchange, because knowledge flows with an exchange. Something comes and something goes." Čia norėčiau pridėti savo komentarą. Gauti, nieko neduodant neįmanoma..... Viskas yra energija..... Žinios( vibracijų pavidalu), daiktai...., malonumai. Net labai daug mano pažįstamų žmonių, kai pradedama kalba apie mainus, purkštauja, yra nepatenkinti, kad reikia mokėti - savo energija.... Ar ji adekvati jų įdėtai energijai uždirbant pinigus, ar įdedant atliekant darbą - sevą...., tarnystę... |
2012-11-02 12:15 #306505 | |
Protas yra lyg erdvė. Tikrasis Aš yra lyg erdvė kūno viduje ir išorėje. Mintys ateina ir išeina, emocijos kyla ir praeina, tačiau, kai pasineri į vidų, ten tik tuščia erdvė. Kada mes sutapatinam save su mintimis, jausmais ir emocijomis, tuomet jaučiamės įstrigę. „Tikrasis didžiadvasis tu“ yra ta erdvė viduje, kur patiri visišką ramybę. Tokiomis akimirkomis patiri plėtimąsi. Mes visi esam viena, dvejų nėra!
2012-11-02 16:35 #306548 | |
Just by surrendering to the Lord, you can achieve the fully blossomed state of consciousness. Now, what is the Lord? Who is the Lord? Where is He? It is easy to say surrender to God, but what is God? Where is God? Nobody has ever seen God. Then comes the next question: What is Lordship? What is that which rules this world?
You find that it is love that rules the world. The core of the existence rules this Universe. Like the sun is the center of the solar system and it rules all the planets, the very core of your life is ruled by love. Beyond your changing body, thoughts, feelings lies the very core of your existence which is very subtle, very delicate. That consciousness, the core of existence is responsible for this whole Creation. There lies the Lordship. A bird feeds its young out of love. A flower blossoms because of love. Ducks hatch eggs out of love. Cows take care of their calves out of love. Have you seen monkeys? How they care for their young ones! Love is in-built in Creation. That is how the whole Creation functions. What you call as in-built is the core of consciousness. That is why Jesus said, “Love is God and God is Love.” |
2012-11-02 21:41 #306675 1 | |
.oOo. [2012-11-01 16:10]: Any grapes ? |
2012-11-03 12:25 #306735 | |
Ryte protas yra žiniose, sąmoningas, budrus. Po pietų jis linkęs veikti, o vakare yra atsipalaidavęs. Tas, kas nori būti nelaimingas, gali būti nelaimingas visąlaik, o kas nori, gali būti laimingas visą dieną. Kvailys bus visąlaik nelaimingas, o protingas žmogus bus laimingas, nepaisydamas kintančių nuotaikų.
2012-11-04 10:09 #306791 1 | |
Garsas „Om“ yra pagrįstas mokslu. Mokslininkai nustatė, kad Žemės, besisukančios apie savo ašį, dažnis yra toks pats, kaip ir „Om“. Šių dviejų dažnių diagrama yra tokia pati. Taigi, kai dainuojame „Om“, mūsų vibracijos sutampa su natūraliu Žemės dažniu, gamtos dėsniu.
2012-11-04 10:51 #306794 | |
lorpak [2012-11-03 12:25]: Ryte protas yra žiniose, sąmoningas, budrus. Po pietų jis linkęs veikti, o vakare yra atsipalaidavęs. Tas, kas nori būti nelaimingas, gali būti nelaimingas visąlaik, o kas nori, gali būti laimingas visą dieną. Kvailys bus visąlaik nelaimingas, o protingas žmogus bus laimingas, nepaisydamas kintančių nuotaikų. Keista o as vakare geriausiai bunu susitelkes ir budrus... Nori būti laimingas - neturėk tikslų ! :)
2012-11-05 11:12 #306927 1 | |
Ar darai tai, ką nori? Ir darydamas, ką nori, ar išsaugai savo sąmonės subtilumą, ar esi tarsi buldozeris (darysiu, ką panorėjęs)? Būti tarsi buldozeriu – tai būti nejautriu. Nėra teisinga nei būti pernelyg jautriu ir silpnu, nei tarsi buldozeriu. Geriausias derinys yra būti jautriu ir stipriu. Tai - išmintis!
2012-11-06 08:53 #307095 1 | |
Q: Guruji, What comes after everything is silenced? And how is it different from being dead?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Vast difference! Silence is the mother of all creativity! Silence is the mother of beauty and love. Intuition, invention, poetry, everything comes out of silence.Even Sudarshan Kriya came out of silence.I know most of you have experienced Sudarshan Kriya, and you know the value of it. I was on a tour this time, I went from South India to South Africa, and then to South America, then North America and now to Europe. All in less than one month. And you know, I visited the prisons in Brazil and in Argentina. There were 5200 prisoners in Argentina who have done the Art of Living course and the Sudarshan Kriya and there were tears in each and every one's eyes. There was not even a single person there whose eyes were dry. They were all finding such a big transformation in their lives. They said, 'Before we were outside and we were not free. Now we are inside the jail and we are free and we are happy. Thank you so much. This course has totally changed our lives.' Do you know, the judges of the supreme court also came to visit the prison along with me and they said, 'Gurudev, this is unbelievable, what has happened here. We wish this will repeat in all the prisons.' Looking at this transformation, of course, the university gave me a doctorate as well. 'In one day I became an alumni of the University', I was making this joke. Why I am saying this is, we can create a society free from violence. My vision is to see a violence-free society, disease-free body, confusion-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, trauma-free memory and sorrow-free soul.See what madness is happening today in the world. Just because somebody made a film, nations are all burning. Is this not madness! Why? It is because they have not been given this education of non-violence, which is so necessary. |
2012-11-06 10:39 #307134 1 | |
Kai protas nukreiptas į išorę ir įstrigęs ties išorės įvykiu ar atsitikimu, turi jį grąžinti atgal. Tai būtina. Ar nutinka gera, ar bloga - tai kurį laiką lieka prote ir sukuria įspūdį tavo sąmonėje. Tačiau niekas neišlieka ilgam ir su laiku išnyksta. Tai, kad nelaikai to per ilgai, yra prabudimo ženklas. Ir tinkamiausia priemonė tam yra sadhana ir meditacija.