Autorius | Žinutė |
2011-01-01 21:49 #167369 | |
jau paprasta LT spauda atviru tekstu pradejo rasyti: Lietuva, kaip ir kitos Europos valstybės, vis labiau tampa bankų įkaite. Faktiškai jos jau yra visiškai paklusnios savo sąlygas diktuojantiems bankams. Savarankiškas valstybių gyvenimas jau tapęs tik imitacija, o jų vyriausybės – tik klusnios bankų marionetės. Komercinių bankų taisyklės, bankinės sutartys tampa viršesnės už prasiskolinusių valstybių konstitucijas. Tad kas iš tikrųjų valdo pasaulį? Šalių vyriausybės ar komercinių bankų konglomeratai? |
2011-01-14 17:10 #170294
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Before the bank bust, Ireland had little public debt. But with taxpayers suddenly on the hook for gigantic bank losses, even as revenues plunged, the nation’s creditworthiness was put in doubt. Step back for a minute and think about that. These debts were incurred, not to pay for public programs, but by private wheeler-dealers seeking nothing but their own profit. Yet ordinary Irish citizens are now bearing the burden of those debts.Or to be more accurate, they’re bearing a burden much larger than the debt — because those spending cuts have caused a severe recession so that in addition to taking on the banks’ debts, the Irish are suffering from plunging incomes and high unemployment. Ireland is being asked to cut to social services, slash wages, renegotiate contracts, and dismantle the welfare state so that undercapitalized banks in France and Germany can get their pound of flesh. But, why? The Irish PM has decided to bail them out; make all the bondholders "whole again." Who gave Cowen the right to hand over his country to the IMF? No one. Cowen is a rogue agent kowtowing to international capital. After he finishes his work in Ireland, he'll probably join globalist Tony Blair on the French Riviera for a little hobnobbing with the tuxedo crowd. The Irish people didn't struggle through centuries of famine and foreign occupation so they could be debt-peons in the EU's corporate Uberstate. Like Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams said, "We don't need anyone coming in to run the place for us. We can run it ourselves." Right. Tell the EU plutocrats to take their Utopian Bankstate and shove it. Ireland is now in its third year of austerity, and confidence just keeps draining away. And you have to wonder what it will take for serious people to realize that punishing the populace for the bankers’ sins is worse than a crime No matter what stupid thing banks do, prime ministers and presidents are all too willing to make the average taxpayer foot the bill for the mess. That by the way, is one reason why we get into these messes in the first place. Sovereignty belongs, not to the State, or the government, but to the people. We have outsourced it for too long to an incompetent, amoral and self-serving elite. Now we face the starkest of choices: use it or lose it. |
2011-01-18 12:29 #170777 | |
diskusijose apie US mokesciu reforma pasimato tikroji visuomenes grupiu padetis: top 1% yra labaaaai toli nuo likusiu, net ir milijonieriu. "The truly rich are unaffected by the top tax bracket and are laughing their way to their yachts while the taxpayers from the 80th percentile ($100K) to 99th percentiles ($500K) are truly going to be squeezed like turnips". |
2011-01-18 13:31 #170803 | |
"Traditionally the banks' role was to be a risk agent between a depositors and lenders. Banks were talking deposits and were lending them making money on the interests rate difference between the two. This process was underwritten by banks capital which was risked by banks' owners in case they ended up with too many bad loans and the bank failed. In this case banks owners lost money and possibly some depositors. So on one side there was a pressure on the banks to be careful (as owners did not want to lose their capital) but on the other as there was a large number of banks (in the past) there was competition pushing the cost down and innovation up". dabar: "For the last couple of decades the number of banks decreased and they became too big to fail. As a result they were rescued by the government. Banks are no longer risk agents (underwritten by private capital). They became public utilities, huge oligopolies, whose business is underwritten by the state. And they behave as such". ir dar- schema paprasta ir sena kaip pasaulis: |
2011-01-20 09:59 #171256 | |
Man tai kyla toks klausimas - o kas būtų, jeigu būtų buvę leista žlugti bankams?
šiaurės vėjau gal gali pamodeliuot situaciją? |
2011-01-24 23:18 #172068
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Droidas kazkada klause- ka bendro turi Etika ir finansai. Bet atrodo, kad ir su teise jau nebedaug kas bendro liko: Europoje irgi: Airijos CB ka tik "padirbo" 51b ir perdave bankams. ECB neprotestavo, vokieciai irgi (nes "jiems grizta"). kai periferija suzinos kad ir taip galima- bus idomu. (idesiu link'a kai tinklalapis normaliau veiks) |
2011-01-29 15:54 #173347
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"The Global Revoliution is accelerating" by Mark Krieger: ne su viskuo sutinku, bet istraukos vercia susimastyti: government’s today throughout the world could care less about their citizens. When they show signs of caring it is merely to satiate the people back to sleep so that they can stay in control. The leaders of governments throughout the world today consist of the worst humanity has to offer. The most egomaniacal, narcissistic specimens on the planet (with some exceptions of course). They care about power and maintaining it. So what does this have to do with food? A lot. I have stated in the past that we are in revolutionary times. The system that has existed for most of our lives (all of my life) is crumbling under its own weight of insanity, immorality and fraud. The last ditch effort by the global elites has been to flood the world with money and make sure nothing they are invested in ever fails or defaults. This bought them a little time and their hope was that rising asset prices would boost confidence and lead to a recovery that could maybe keep this scam monetary system running for another decade or two. The problem with this strategy is that my generation is coming into its own and we don’t buy the bull shit of our parents’ generation. We don’t believe in Democrat or Republican. We don’t believe in the system itself. We will be the ones making the decisions going forward. We will default on the astronomic promises our parents made to themselves. We will create an entirely new monetary and financial system. Real free-market capitalism will flourish, not this socialism for the rich garbage Obama loves so much. We will focus on doing good while doing well. Not because the government forces us to, rather because we are witness to and victims of this sick, twisted creation of our parents generation that celebrates total greed without the slightest concern of the consequences to others. We are now entering a time where the people (completely and totally sold out by their leaders and masters at the banks) exercise civil disobedience and non compliance with an evil system. |
2011-01-29 15:58 #173348 | |
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2011-01-31 00:06 #173545
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trečioji dalis: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ » Valstybės skola |
2011-01-31 10:18 #173569
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siaures vejas We are now entering a time where the people (completely and totally sold out by their leaders and masters at the banks) exercise civil disobedience and non compliance with an evil system. o as manau , kad tie "civil disobedience" yra specialiai provokuojami dabartines finansines sistemos...visokios spalvotos revoliucijos...o tai kas vyksta finansuose siais laikais, galime suprasti skaitydami biblija... 2001 rugsejis -2008 rugpjutis -septyni metai pertekliaus 2008 rugpjutis- 2015 ruduo - septyni bado metai siuo metu esame treciuose bado metuose, taip kad pats idomumas dar laukia.. Pradzios knyga 47 13 Tačiau nė viename krašte nebuvo maisto, nes badas buvo labai didelis. Tiek Egipto kraštas, tiek Kanaano kraštas kentėjo nuo bado. 14 Juozapas už parduodamus grūdus išrinko visus pinigus, kurie tik buvo Egipto krašte ir Kanaano krašte. Pinigus Juozapas perdavė į faraono rūmus. 15 Kai Egipto krašto ir Kanaano krašto pinigai išsibaigė, visi egiptiečiai ėjo pas Juozapą, prašydami: „Duok mums duonos, kad nemirtume tavo akyse, nes išsibaigė mūsų pinigai!“ 16 Juozapas atsakė: „Atveskite savo galvijus, ir aš jums parduosiu už galvijus, jeigu išsibaigė jūsų pinigai“. 17 Jie varė Juozapui savo galvijus, o jis davė jiems maisto už arklius, avių bei galvijų kaimenes ir asilus. Tais metais jis aprūpino juos maistu už visus jų gyvulius. 18 Praslinkus tiems metams, jie atėjo pas jį kitais metais ir sakė: „Negalime nuslėpti nuo savo viešpaties, kad mūsų pinigai išsibaigė ir gyvulių kaimenės priklauso mūsų viešpačiui. Neliko nieko kito mūsų viešpaties žinioje, išskyrus mūsų kūną ir mūsų laukus. 19 Kam gi turėtume mirti tavo akyse ne tik mes patys, bet ir mūsų žemė? Paimk mus ir mūsų žemę už duoną. Mes drauge su savo žeme būsime faraono vergai. Tik duok mums sėklos, kad išliktume gyvi ir nemirtume ir kad žemė nepavirstų tyrais“.20 Juozapas supirko faraonui visą Egipto žemę. Visi egiptiečiai pardavė savo laukus, nes badas juos labai prispaudė. Taip visas kraštas tapo faraono nuosavybe. Ir jeigu atkreipsite demesi, tai neramumai butent ir kyla del maisto...yra daugelis saliu, kuriose islaidos maistui sudaro apie 70 proc. visu pajamu....maistas siuo metu del pinigu nuvertejimo ir del nuolatiniu stichiniu nelaimiu vis labiau to pasekoje zmones eina i gatves kelti pasaulis vis labiau juda link chaoso.. Redaguota: erika1 (2011-01-31 10:50 ) "Būkime gudrūs, kuklūs ir protingi, darykime kas galima, bet būkime ir drąsus ir drąsiai eikime prie tikslo, tvirtai tikėdami, kad Dievo apvaizdos ranka mus veda ir neša" - J.Matulaitis
2011-01-31 17:57 #173695
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aciu Erika, idomiai aprasei. Siam kontekste galima kiek kitaip pasiziureti i EU ismokas uz dirbamos zemes apsodinima misku, zvejybos laivu pjaustyma i metalo lauza, elektriniu uzdaryma. Ciklas gal kiek ilgesnis, bet schema- tikrai ta pati.
2011-02-02 13:07 #174122
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2011-02-03 14:49 #174346
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gal skambetu kaip iprasta kritika, jei tai nebutu PIMCO- didziausias bond'u fondas pasaulyje: "How can bond traders make ten, one hundred, one thousand times more money than an engineer or social worker given their dismal historical performance? Why is it that some of today’s doctors are using food stamps while investment banking executives complain about millions of dollars in compensation that might be deferred in case of a future bailout?" "Are record corporate profits a fair price for America’s soul? A devil’s bargain more than likely". |
2011-02-07 13:04 #174825
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"If we were to tax the largest banks for the cost of the global financial crisis, over 20 years, it would cost over $1.5 trillion a year, the market capitalization of the biggest banks of the world is less than that.
That says that banks actually destroy value on a massive basis, massive. Their net value destroyers, they are extractive, they are not productive in their current form". visas interviu cia: nors "suo loja-karavanas eina"- rekordinis bonusu sezonas jau prasidejo. Idomu kiek toli Amerika nuo Egipto? keleta metu? bet atrodo kad ir ji po truputi pradeda suprasti, kad: "The “national champions” of banking are actually very poorly-run casinos with completely messed-up incentives; they need a deep-pocketed and somewhat dumb sovereign to back them". tuo tarpu Airijoje kontrastas stulbinantis: last December’s budget contained €873 million in social welfare cuts yet last week alone, Ireland repaid €750 million to a single bondholder who wasn’t even guaranteed by the State. manau kad ir LT tylioji aritmetika yra panasaus pobudzio. Tai is kuriu studentu reikalausim PSD? Redaguota: siaures vejas (2011-02-07 14:14 ) |
2011-02-14 22:54 #176489 | |
visur tos pacios auksines ausys kyso: FED, US Treasury, Graikijos seselyje, Kanados, Italijos CB, o dabar jau ir i ECB lenda: p.s. Gruodis DD temoje nuosekliai aprase. |
2011-02-15 22:51 #176697 | |
skamba kaip labai astri kritika, o cituojamas interviu su Thomas Hoenig, Kansas City FED'o prezidentu: |
2011-02-18 13:02 #177150
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2011-02-23 11:42 #177831 | |
2011-02-24 12:55 #178097 | |
netgi labai pagrista kritika, ir kalba "insideris"- Kansas City FED'o vadovas: visa kalba cia: |
2011-02-26 12:37 #178566
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trumpai, paprastai, aiskiai