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Rīgas kuģu būvētava

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Rīgas kuģu būvētava (RKB1R)[2025-01-16]   0.125 EUR   0.000 (0.00%)

Bendrovės duomenys

Pavadinimas:Rīgas kuģu būvētava
ISIN kodas:LV0000100378
Kontaktai:Gāles ielā 2, Rīga LV 1015, Latvia, Phone: + 371 7353452, Fax: + 371 7353433
Veikla:The shipyard is specializing in construction of fishing boats, coastal ferries, auxiliary crafts.
GICS klasif.:20106010
Manufacturers of heavy duty trucks, rolling machinery, earth-moving and construction equipment, heavy farm machinery and manufacturers of related parts. Includes non-military shipbuilding.

Didžiausi akcininkai 2014-12-31 (Kapitalizacija)

AS Remars - Riga49.86%727 K
Laisvų akcijų dalis50.14%732 K

Riga shipyard is the largest yard on the Eastern shores of the Baltic Sea, repairing more than 130 sea vessels per year.
The yard was established in 1913 and is situated in the historic Hansa town Riga, the capital of the Republic of Latvia, its historical and cultural centre.
The shipyard, specializing in construction of fishing boats, coastal ferries, auxiliary crafts, was privatized in 1995.

Šaltinis: Nasdaq Baltic