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Danske Invest India Fund G

Fondo detalūs duomenys, pelningumas, grafikas ir paskutinių ataskaitų turinys.
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Fondo detalės
PavadinimasDanske Invest India Fund G
ValdytojasDanske Capital
Valstybė, ISINFinland,
Įkūrimo data2006-09-21
Vieneto kaina2.05236 EUR (2022-05-02)
Valdymo mokestis2.8%
Įsigijimo mokestis1%
Išpirkimo mokestis2%
Minimali investicija500 EUR
RegionasAzija Indija
Rodikliai (%)
Laikotarpis (mėn.)36
Visas pokytis23.98
Vid. metinis pokytis7.43
Mėnesinis nuokrypis5.42
Metinis nuokrypis18.78
Tikėtina metinė grąža30 / 45
Šarpo rodiklis0.14

Techninė analizė

Pokytis per laikotarpį(%)
3 mėn.0.45
6 mėn.7.02
2 metai20.99
3 metai23.98

Mandatum India is a mutual fund whose assets are invested mainly in publicly traded equities and equity-linked securities of companies listed in India. In addition, part of the assets of the fund can be invested in the equities of other companies that depend heavily on the Indian economy. The fund is suitable as a long-term investment object for experienced investors who are seeking an investment alternative with a higher return expectation on the emerging Indian equity market. The general performance of the equity market in India is reflected in the value of the fund, which may fluctuate substantially in the short term. Due to its higher level of risk than in conventional funds, the fund is recommended as a small part of a diversified investment portfolio. The recommended investment horizon in the fund is more than five years. The fund�s asset manager is HSBC Investments (Hong Kong) and the portfolio management has been delegated to Halbis Capital Management (Hong Kong), a company in the same group. The fund�s benchmark index is the MSCI India (TR) Index.