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Swedbank Fund of Funds 60 - class E

Fondo detalūs duomenys, pelningumas, grafikas ir paskutinių ataskaitų turinys.
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     HNS-FF30-E | HNS-RE-E 

Fondo detalės
PavadinimasSwedbank Fund of Funds 60 - class E
ValdytojasHansa Investment Funds
Valstybė, ISINEstonia,
Įkūrimo data2005-09-08
Vieneto kaina13.0271 EUR (2018-04-17)
Valdymo mokestis1.1%
Įsigijimo mokestis1.5%
Išpirkimo mokestis1%
Minimali investicija-
Rodikliai (%)
Laikotarpis (mėn.)36
Visas pokytis0.04
Vid. metinis pokytis0.01
Mėnesinis nuokrypis2.12
Metinis nuokrypis7.35
Tikėtina metinė grąža15 / 15
Šarpo rodiklis-0.66

Techninė analizė

Pokytis per laikotarpį(%)
3 mėn.3.54
6 mėn.1.38
2 metai12.16
3 metai0.04

The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with a yield that exceeds inflation and that will be achieved by investing primarily in equity-risk and interest-risk securities in a diversified manner. To achieve its objective the Fund invests ca 60% of its assets in equity risk securities. The Fund befits investors who seek longer-term capital growth and are willing to accept short-term fluctuations of the value of their investment. As a primary investment the Fund benefits investors who aim at earning a yield that exceeds the inflation, while being aware of investment-related risks. It should be opted for a medium or longer term (min. 5 years) investment period. The Fund befits experienced investors as an additional investment upon diversification of the investment portfolio.