Autorius | Žinutė |
2013-10-30 11:23 #366720 | |
kas uzsimerke tai per ten, per kur "sventoji dvasia" pas marija atejo kol buvo uzsimerkusi(miegojo greiciausiai)
2013-10-30 11:26 #366721 | |
Certain types of people are soft and their softness comes out of lack of courage and forcefulness. There is yet another type of softness in people and this softness comes out of maturity, magnanimity, and the knowledge of the Self.
The people who are soft out of lack of courage suffer a lot. And sometime or other they become volatile. Similarly there are two types of forcefulness in people Ö aggression or assertiveness. Some people are forceful in an aggressive manner out of weakness, lack of strength, or out of fear. Others are forceful out of care and love, out of compassion. |
2013-10-30 11:27 #366722 | |
Negativity cannot remain without a support. Positivity, happiness can be without any reason. The mind goes on trying to find support for its negativity. It looks for a hook to hang its negativity on - if not this person, then that thing or that person and so on. This perpetuates the maya! The creeper of negativity needs a support in order to grow. But negativity or aversion for even one person can guarantee a one-way ticket to hell - you need nothing else! All negativity is a pointer to move to the centre and broaden the vision to the cosmic intelligence. Instead of focussing your attention on support for your negativity, look at the seed of negativity. With meditation, silence, kriya, the source of negativity is nipped at the root.
2013-10-30 11:28 #366723 | |
Often violence comes with noise. Non-violence happens in silence. People who are violent make huge noise; they make it known. People who are non-violent are quiet. But the time has come for people who are non-violent to make noise so that the violence will quiet down. The message of non-violence has to come loud and clear so that it can be heard from a young age.
A sense of shame has to be connected with anger and violence. The reason for violence in young people is a sense of pride in anger and violence, not a sense of shame. People feel proud that they are violent or angry. They think it is prestigious or a status symbol to be aggressive. Aggression is not thought to be a quality to be ashamed of. This promotes aggression and violence in the whole society, and when aggression and violence are promoted, human values diminish. Some movies and modern music glorify frustration, anger and revenge and make these a role model for children. We need to promote human values especially love compassion and belongingness loud and clear. Speak to groups or through your local media in the newspaper and on TV and create as many Art Excel and Art of Living courses in your area as possible. |
2013-10-30 11:29 #366724 | |
Trolink netrolinus savo copy paste, bet pragaro liepsnu neisvengsi, che che
2013-10-30 11:29 #366725 | |
Handrail [2013-10-30 11:22]: Tie kurie užsimerkę, turi išsižiot. O tada jau Sirio esybė per burną įeina. Čia Siris iš bendravimo su kunigais išmoko. Anie jau kiek metų taiko tokią dvasios įpūtimo praktiką per burną berniukams iki 14 metų. Handrail, nemaišykim sąvokų. Jūs kalbate apie krikštą, įpučiant dvasinį turinį per burną. Paskui būna "iniciacija", kažkur apie 16-18 metus. |
2013-10-30 11:29 #366726 | |
Gaidžiai kažkokie čia klausinėja nesąmonių, rašinėja briedus visokius. REIK IMT IR PRIFLOODINT COPY-PASTE IŠ GOOGLE !111!!1!!!!
2013-10-30 11:30 #366727 | |
Conflict And Innocence
Fights can only happen among equals. When you fight with someone, you make them equal. But in reality there is no one at par with you. When you keep people either above or below you, then there is no fight. When they are above you, you respect them. When they are below you, you love them and you feel compassionate. Either submission or compassion can take you out of a fight in no time. This is one way to look at it when you are tired of fighting. When you are well rested, just fight and have fun. The same is true of the mind. As long as the mind thinks it is equal to the senses, there is conflict. When it realizes that it is bigger than the senses, there is no conflict. And when the mind is smaller than the senses, like in animals, there is no conflict. When the mind is caught up in the senses, there is constant conflict. When it transcends the senses, it comes back to its true nature, which is innocence - in no sense. Does this make sense? |
2013-10-30 11:31 #366728 1 | |
Negativity cannot remain without a support. Positivity, happiness can be without any reason. The mind goes on trying to find support for its negativity. It looks for a hook to hang its negativity on - if not this person, then that thing or t
2013-10-30 11:31 #366729 1 | |
Fights can only happen among equals. When you fight with someone, you make them equal. But in reality there is no one at par with you. When you keep people either above or below you, then there is no fight. When they are above you, you respect them. When they are below you, you love them and you feel compassionate. Either
2013-10-30 11:31 #366730 1 | |
to promote human values especially love compassion and belongingness loud and clear. Speak to groups or through your local media in the
2013-10-30 11:31 #366731 1 | |
2013-10-30 17:02 #366792 | |
Na, matai, C - pacituoji Sri Sri, mane - užsidirbi pliusų į sąskaitą....
Geras kursas... |
2013-10-30 17:53 #366800 | |
Šis mažylis Indijoje miega tarp keturių jį „saugančių“ kobrų, rašo ...mažas Buda taip miegojo... |
2013-10-30 18:31 #366811 | |
Taip taip. Mauglis ten busimas. Rysys su gamta achujienas.
Tos kobros treniruotos ir greiciausiai su pasalintomis nuodu liaukomis. Apskritai ropliai nenuspejami nes neturi jokio emocinio rysio su seimininku kad ir kaip pastarajam atrodytu kitaip. Todel smauglys gali bet kada pradet smaugt, o kobra kirst. Aisku lorpak tokie vaizdeliai isveda is proto, apsiasaroja ir sako 'Thank you my master Sri Sri' |
2013-10-31 10:32 #366862 | |
C# [2013-10-30 18:31]: Taip taip. <...> Rysys su gamta achujienas. O kodel ne apie tai kalba net National Geographic. Labai fainas video apie si reiskini: arba Keep Calm and Practice 7 Habits
2013-10-31 10:42 #366865 | |
...aišku, laukinio gyvūno, o dar gyvatės neištreniruosi.... Jos vaikelį saugo, o ne apsimeta, kad taip daro... Taip jos elgiasi ir savo lizde, kai kiaušiniai būna sudėti.Gyvūnai jaučia emocijas energetiniame lygmenį. Nereikia pradėti rėkti, kad jie pajustų mūsų baimę. Tai kažkas energetiniame lygmenį joms "liepia" tai daryti, ar jos nori tai daryti.... Indijoje vienuoliai specialiai eidavo į tas vietas, kur yra daug laukinių gyvūnų - krokodilų , tigrų, kad pasauliečiai savo dėmesiu jiems netrukdytų medituoti... O medituojant, gyvūnai patys eina prie žmonių, nes jiems tos vibracijos patinka....
Iš proto išeiti neįmanoma, jis amžinas.... Eik neėjęs - vistiek jame būsi. |
2013-10-31 10:45 #366866 | |
Gaidžiai kažkokie čia klausinėja nesąmonių, rašinėja briedus visokius. REIK IMT IR PRIFLOODINT COPY-PASTE IŠ GOOGLE !111!!1!!!! o Šerchanas vakar supyko ant šakalų....... Tik Akela va ramus toliau besedą varo.... |
2013-10-31 10:47 #366867 | |
Rūta, čia suprask, šuo = kobra, o orangutangas = žmogus?
Šiaip tik "pačiuožusiam" protui gali šauti įdėja ieškoti "romantizmo" žmogaus ir kobros santykiuose. Arba tai begalinis kvailumas, arba cheatinimas pasipelnymo tikslais. |
2013-10-31 10:47 #366868 | |
Smauglys Kanadoje pora mazameciu vaiku uzsmauge irgi del vibraciju ? Su kobromis gi jie pasirodymus daro, tai kaip neistreniruosi ? Kaip krokodilams i nasrus galva kisa ? Ropliai treniruojami, bet zymiai maziau patikimi nei sakykim zinduoliai.
Kaip visada bliudas ant galvos ir pezalai apie vibracijas.. |