Autorius | Žinutė |
2021-12-28 14:12 #698815 | |
ta pati situacija - swede gavau po 0.067 ct uz akcija, kas per burtai
2021-12-28 14:56 #698830 | |
Swede pervedė ir likusią sumą, dabar tvarka.
Ramybės, tiktai ramybės
2021-12-28 16:46 #698845 | |
Jo viskas ikrito,
bet ka jie prieš tai galvojo niekas nepastebės 😁😁😁😁 |
2021-12-28 16:47 #698846 | |
Biški neten kableli padėjo 😁😁😁😁
2021-12-28 20:22 #698876 | |
Taigi perveda is skirtingu laikotarpiu dividendus, todel ir sumos dvi skirtingos
2022-01-03 10:53 #699406 | |
Su Naujais metais! tęsiu tradiciją -> labai laukiant H1 rezultatų (jie vasario pradžioje bus), dalinuosi mano spėjimu ir metine prognoze, kad smagiau būtų metų eigoje grįžti prie šio įrašo pasitikrinti
H1 - REV >15-17m EUR - NET PROFIT -> 2,5-3m EUR Annual - REV 35-38m EUR - NET PROFIT -> 5-6m EUR Div range ~0,8-1,2 EUR/@ (7-10% yield galimybės) -> čia jau priklausys nuo FCF ir didžiųjų akcininkų asmeninių norų ką pirkti norės už juos + plėtros planus vs. last year mažiausiai double apatinėje eilutėje H1, metiniuose jau turėsime didelę lyginamąją bazę, bet optimistinius spėjimus kol kas sau pasiliksiu, pateikti konservatyvūs/realesni P/E <6 šiandienos kaina risks: - dolerio kursas (kiek atsimenu pradėjo draustis, tačiau nežinau kokiu rate'u tiksliai) - Atsargų užsistockinimas - Savikainos išbrangimas (material/DU) - sezoniškumas ir projektų užbaigimas (Q2 nebūdavo stipriausias ketvirtis) kokie kiti spėjimai? Redaguota: jeronimas (2022-01-03 12:06 ) |
2022-02-07 16:49 #704924 | |
Aranet amoung best new technologies for 2022 |
2022-02-09 17:35 #705175 | |
In the second quarter of the financial year 2021/2022, the Group's unaudited consolidated net turnover was 9.2 million euros, which is 37% more than in the second quarter of the FY 2020/2021. The Group ended the second quarter of the financial year 2021/2022 with a profit of EUR 1.97 million (unaudited). The unaudited consolidated result for the 6-month period of the financial year 2021/2022 is profit of EUR 3.49 million.
2022-02-09 17:40 #705176 1 | |
ok who got info about those great results earlier today?
H1 fulfilled fully my expectations -> annual results I remain on conservative valuation as stated on JAN (I see some interesting figures in SAF financials). Will share later on some inside. Any other thoughts? jeronimas [2022-01-03 10:53]:
Su Naujais metais! tęsiu tradiciją -> labai laukiant H1 rezultatų (jie vasario pradžioje bus), dalinuosi mano spėjimu ir metine prognoze, kad smagiau būtų metų eigoje grįžti prie šio įrašo pasitikrinti H1 - REV >15-17m EUR - NET PROFIT -> 2,5-3m EUR Annual - REV 35-38m EUR - NET PROFIT -> 5-6m EUR Div range ~0,8-1,2 EUR/@ (7-10% yield galimybės) -> čia jau priklausys nuo FCF ir didžiųjų akcininkų asmeninių norų ką pirkti norės už juos + plėtros planus vs. last year mažiausiai double apatinėje eilutėje H1, metiniuose jau turėsime didelę lyginamąją bazę, bet optimistinius spėjimus kol kas sau pasiliksiu, pateikti konservatyvūs/realesni P/E <6 šiandienos kaina risks: - dolerio kursas (kiek atsimenu pradėjo draustis, tačiau nežinau kokiu rate'u tiksliai) - Atsargų užsistockinimas - Savikainos išbrangimas (material/DU) - sezoniškumas ir projektų užbaigimas (Q2 nebūdavo stipriausias ketvirtis) kokie kiti spėjimai? |
2022-02-09 17:52 #705178 | |
Vėl superiniai rezultatai. P/E gaunasi 6,2. Toliau ramiai miegam dėl šios pozicijos.
2022-02-09 18:00 #705179 | |
A lot of money is spent on buying components; This is very positive - there is no need to worry about the lack of chips and rising prices;
2022-02-10 11:01 #705250 1 | |
ok - quick recap:
on PnL: -> positive gain of +0.35m EUR only from USD/EUR fx rates -> +0.2m EUR from bad debts reconsiliation Bonus are going crazy though they do correlate with bottom line. Company has put quite a significant +135% marketing extra costs yoy -> let's see ROI out of it. Company has used cash on bank quite significantly in last months of Y2021: - AR we have ~1m EUR hanging extra which should fall in during these months -> level or AR correliates with income increase - For some reasone company has prepaid some taxes and costs +0.2m EUR than usual level though it does correliate with Pnl result - +4.5m EUR extra they have put into inventories -> prepared to deliver those increasing sales - +0.5m EUR extra equipment was bought -> will look more deeper in text between the lines whwere it was linked - purchased company in usa increased also intangible assets + 0.25m EUR on bad side: - customer prepayment for goods have decrease -1m EUR.. probably due to projects linked though it could increase baddebts in the future - AP they have kept extra 0.7m EUR on their side + tax liabilities increased correliating with PnL. All in all -> really strong results, CF is managed with strict hand, company continues to be linked to projects in USA and it seems with extra marketing money put in all those show rooms, trips and etc. they have secured needed inventory for future revenue/profit increase. Annual results I keep at these levels (conservative, others versions I will keep for myself ) P/E <6 still, with todays price annual results could evaluated 4.5-6 P/E ratio (optimistic-conservative) REV 36-38m EUR NET PROFIT -> 6-7m EUR Div range ~0,8-1,3 EUR/@ (7-10% yield ) |
2022-02-10 22:23 #705407 | |
Comments from Simplywall analysts:
"Second quarter 2022 results: EPS: €0.66 (up from €0.26 in 2Q 2021). Revenue: €9.22m (up 37% from 2Q 2021). Net income: €1.97m (up 157% from 2Q 2021). Profit margin: 21% (up from 11% in 2Q 2021). The increase in margin was driven by higher revenue. Revenue was in line with analyst estimates. Over the last 3 years on average, earnings per share has increased by 119% per year but the company’s share price has only increased by 73% per year, which means it is significantly lagging earnings growth." Personally don't expect more than +10-15% increase this yes, but if company will continue such results and it will have sustainable business basis it might go up further up (negative part is stock liquidity |
2022-02-11 09:50 #705434 | |
Buyers do not buy because of low liquidity. Sellers do not sell because of the low price. ) It is possible that as the dividend is approached, the price will go up like a rocket;
2022-02-25 13:01 #707510 | |
2022-03-09 15:23 #710108 | |
BY any chance do you know how much of raw material SAF was importing from UA or RUS? as far I remembered from some interview they had IT part of team in UA, correct?
Price returned back to pre-war level -> those how have touched bottom prices earned +16% in 5 days. Though war is not over - and with crazy metals prices/semiconductors general inflation -> will be interesting to see newest SAF figures. |
2022-05-11 17:46 #716181 | |
The unaudited consolidated result for the 9-month period of the financial year 2021/2022 is profit of EUR 5.14 million. The Group’s profit for the 9 months of the previous financial year 2020/2021 was EUR 2.11 million.
2022-05-11 17:58 #716182 | |
jeronimas [2022-03-09 15:23]: BY any chance do you know how much of raw material SAF was importing from UA or RUS? as far I remembered from some interview they had IT part of team in UA, correct? Price returned back to pre-war level -> those how have touched bottom prices earned +16% in 5 days. Though war is not over - and with crazy metals prices/semiconductors general inflation -> will be interesting to see newest SAF figures. " The Group does not have significant customers and suppliers in the region involved in military operations (Russia, Ukraine or Belarus), so there is no direct impact on the volume of orders. " |
2022-05-11 19:47 #716201 | |
I remain on FC below + some adjustment on Optimistic scenarios, but will not share as for now
p.s. some balance sheet rows are disturbing, though I will take an extra look during weekend. jeronimas [2022-02-10 11:01]:
ok - quick recap: on PnL: -> positive gain of +0.35m EUR only from USD/EUR fx rates -> +0.2m EUR from bad debts reconsiliation Bonus are going crazy though they do correlate with bottom line. Company has put quite a significant +135% marketing extra costs yoy -> let's see ROI out of it. Company has used cash on bank quite significantly in last months of Y2021: - AR we have ~1m EUR hanging extra which should fall in during these months -> level or AR correliates with income increase - For some reasone company has prepaid some taxes and costs +0.2m EUR than usual level though it does correliate with Pnl result - +4.5m EUR extra they have put into inventories -> prepared to deliver those increasing sales - +0.5m EUR extra equipment was bought -> will look more deeper in text between the lines whwere it was linked - purchased company in usa increased also intangible assets + 0.25m EUR on bad side: - customer prepayment for goods have decrease -1m EUR.. probably due to projects linked though it could increase baddebts in the future - AP they have kept extra 0.7m EUR on their side + tax liabilities increased correliating with PnL. All in all -> really strong results, CF is managed with strict hand, company continues to be linked to projects in USA and it seems with extra marketing money put in all those show rooms, trips and etc. they have secured needed inventory for future revenue/profit increase. Annual results I keep at these levels (conservative, others versions I will keep for myself ) P/E <6 still, with todays price annual results could evaluated 4.5-6 P/E ratio (optimistic-conservative) REV 36-38m EUR NET PROFIT -> 6-7m EUR Div range ~0,8-1,3 EUR/@ (7-10% yield ) |
2022-05-20 09:46 #716826 | |
After review of financials -> I don't change any view upon SAF. Slightly worrying couple of BS rows (inventory/AR), but company continue to become USA based company
Interesting to see who salaries/bonuses are correliating with results and it seems like a great place to work as for annual overview same figures as abot (they are conservative) and ~1 EUR/div -> with today's price ~8,3% div yield (and P/E only at ~5-5.2 range... even if I am 20% wrong still below <6 as P/E) turnover of shares on daily exchange is only part missing. |