Autorius | Žinutė |
2013-11-14 13:02 #368717
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Į užsuku dažnai, pažiūrėti kas naujo ir kas ką šneka, tačiau tokie kaip jūs tik teršiat forumą ( rimtas ir visi kiti kurie fleimina jį nusileisdami iki jo lygio ), jau kelias dienas ateinu į forumą ir matau jog mane dominančioje temoje kažkas naujo, tačiau randu vaikų darželį, taipkad krenta reputacija, šiek tiek tvarkos trūksta.
2013-11-14 13:20 #368722 | |
Na, matau, kad vyrai nusimovę kelnes matuojasi pas ką didesnis..., hmm... o dabar prie reikalų: PST dalyvavo darbų 3 mokyklose pirkimuose - nei vieno nelaimėjo, tačiau kas keista, kad kaina nuo nugalėtojų skiriasi perplauką, nors ... kaip V.L. sako, "kas galėtų paneigti, kad PST užsiveisė kurmių" ... |
2013-11-15 10:44 #368901
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Nekokios naujienos iš VP fronto:
Pastato Jaunimo g. 8, Birštone, rekonstrukcijos darbų pirkimas - 14 pasiūlymų (3 išmesti, liko 11) Laimėjo pasiūlymas su 4,6 mln. (UAB Rūdupis su partneriais), PST liko 4′i su 6,5 mln. PĖSČIŲJŲ-DVIRAČIŲ TAKO NUOTEKŲ GATVĖJE, UKMERGĖS MIESTE ĮRENGIMO DARBŲ PIRKIMAS - 3 konkurentai Laimėjo pasiūlymas su 0,94 mln. (AB “Ukmergės keliai”), PST liko 3′i su 1,14 mln.. |
2013-11-15 12:11 #368923
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vaitvyta [2013-11-14 10:16]: deadcandance [2013-11-14 09:03]: Kodel "rimtas" dar nera uzbanintas? Buvo, nepadeda ![]() Vis tik norint gerint forumo kokybę ir tam kad jis pakiltų virš Delfi lygio, gal verta pereit prie aktyvesnio moderavimo, įtraukiant daugiau narių į tą reikalą. O tai dabar atsiverti, kad pažiūrėt naujienas, nuotaikas, ketvirčio rezultatus, o matai beprasmius dialogus su ištrintomis žinutėmis ir matavimusis kieno ilgesnis ![]() Cia rimtas tipo kazkam grasino i snuki duot? ![]() |
2013-11-18 11:54 #369169 | |
Is there any sound reason why this respected company is trading below current asset value? It seems one of the best value plays in OMX at the moment.
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2013-11-18 13:08 #369186
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There are many reasons, not one. The main reason is that management of this company appears to ignore shareholders and looking only their own interests, and in the meantime it's already public. Another sound reason is that despite many new contracts, they can't manage a good cash flow ant throwing in the towel what they have already on their books.
I personally suspect that some sort of corruption and money laundering is at hand(which is very common in Lithuania now across the various sectors), but this is my opinion only, how else you can explain this price of 1,2eur? Markets are always right, and they are always looking forward, and if PTR could've been perspective and sound company, price would've been soaring with the main trend of the Baltic market especialy in the last two years. So markets are suspecting something bad is happening and thus we have adequate price trend. We had just a three wave corrective bounce after the 2011-2012 crash, and most likely it will trade below 1euro in the coming years, o maybe it will crash and be delisted form the exchange as the top of the Baltic is at hand and new wave of crisis is coming. Construction companies will be the biggest loosers, many of them will not survive. And with PTR unclear management and selfishness ignoring small shareholders it's future is obscure. |
2013-11-18 14:06 #369198
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Don't take seriously the words of our colleague rimtas as usually he prefers to be more fatalistic spreading the rumours on the market to crash. Somebody is suspicious about something this is not serious. The company is sitting on the cash pile and the main reason why this company is so undervalued because it is still struggling for the return to the profit generating path. Since traditionally the III quarter is the best for construction companies and the autumn was unusually warm we might expect the profitable results and sharp rise of its market value because of the reasons you mentioned before. For the period 2014-2015 PST has won a record amount of state contracts that should lift its share value to its normal asset value.
2013-11-18 16:47 #369242
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Thanks shtudent.
It is true that PTR is acting in tight and fierce conditions in terms of margins and peers in same industry. Having said that I would also assume that the strongest players will emerge and the least strongest will continue to struggle. I do not have full picture of Lithuanian construction market, but basing on available materials PTR is one of the largest ones there. The over 50% equity should be sustainable in case of another weakness. But I would be rather positive of Baltic economies in general and especially Lithuania, as this country is in way better positioned on all industry angles. At least seeing this from Estonians perspective ![]() The yelds of PTR are low indeed - nonexistent dividend, low digits ROE - but eventually that is the case actually for constructors in turnaround market conditions. Their business is cyclical and if I remmember correctly one has said that Lithuanian construction market is 2 years behind Estonians. True or not, take or leave it. The only thing that troubles me is the continuation of EU to support the road building. The investments in Estonia have been already cut down. No idea how its gonna be in LT. |
2013-11-20 10:33 #369571 | |
Kažkas naujo...
Potencialūs rangovai (tame tarpe ir PST) nepateikė pasiūlymų Panevėžio m. savivaldybei (statybos darbų pirkime). matyt atsisako dirbti už grašius... |
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2013-11-20 10:42 #369578
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Pravalas [2013-10-18 12:44]: zanka,ilgai neteks laukti,iki antradienio gausi.iki rezu malsis kanale 1,14-1,18.Po rezu "laimingiausi "gaus ties 1 eu. Praėjo PENKTAS antradienis - PTR po 1,18 eur negavau. Laukiu sekančio antradienio. |
2013-11-20 11:15 #369591
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zanka [2013-11-20 10:42]: Praėjo PENKTAS antradienis - PTR po 1,18 eur negavau. Laukiu sekančio antradienio. Metuose - virš 50 savaičių. Dar tik 10 proc. antradienių praėjo, labai nekantrus esate... ![]() Jeigu nori išmokti plaukti, plauk...(Mao)
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2013-11-20 11:50 #369607 |
wise [2013-11-18 16:47]: Put is simple-if market doesn't want this stock in uptrend, do you think everybody would be snaping PTR shares in downtrend? It doesn't matter what fundamentals are or what is the asset value of the stock. You can't outsmart the market, it is always right.take or leave it. The only thing you can do right is to understand when is the time to buy or sell which is most important if you want to make money, not to own a security.. |
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2013-11-21 10:41 #369818 |
Pagal tai, kaip vyksta prekyba artėjant rezultatams, darau išvadą, kad jie nenustebins rinkos dalyvių, nei gerąja, nei blogąja prsme.
2013-11-22 11:55 #370028 | |
rublio kursas toliau tesia kelione žemyn 0.077802.
2013-11-25 10:08 #370412 | |
laimonas_v [2013-11-20 10:33]: Kažkas naujo... Potencialūs rangovai (tame tarpe ir PST) nepateikė pasiūlymų Panevėžio m. savivaldybei (statybos darbų pirkime). matyt atsisako dirbti už grašius... Turim rezultatus iš (1) pakartotinai skelbto pirkimo Panevėžio m. savivaldybės(Respublikos g. 3, Panevėžyje) - PST nusileido ~0,3 mln., (2) Šiaulių apygardos teismo pastato rekonstrukcijos darbų pirkimo - PST nusileido nugalėtojams ~0,5 mln. |
2013-11-25 10:55 #370425 | |
Kalbant apie RUB poveikį įmonėms, dirbančioms RUS zonoje. RUB priklauso nuo naftos kainos,- žr. ural naftos kainos pokyčio dinamiką.
2013-11-27 13:21 #370902 | |
rub. toliau žemyn 0,076974.Nuo riboto pasitikėjimo iki panikos netoli.
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2013-11-27 13:58 #370913 |
Kvepia nauju pulsu statyboms,panašu,kad artinasi laikai kai PST išgyveno rinkos euforija ir biržoje kainavo 25lt. "Kad uždirbtum pinigus-reikia juos išleisti".
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2013-11-27 14:42 #370928
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Pravalas [2013-10-18 12:44]: zanka,ilgai neteks laukti,iki antradienio gausi.iki rezu malsis kanale 1,14-1,18.Po rezu "laimingiausi "gaus ties 1 eu. Praėjo ŠEŠTAS antradienis - PTR po 1,18 eur negavau. Laukiu sekančio antradienio. |
2013-11-27 14:48 #370932 | |
Tai bent jau bidą išstatyk
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